龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-6 15:12

以第三代TOYOTA Prius为例,讨论电动汽车驱动系统

Toyota在今年的底特律车展上推出了第三代Prius。在外观上全新Prius的造型显得更为时尚,锐利,相信读者们已经看到过许多照片和影片了,我们就不对新Prius的外型多做描述了。我们来介绍一下新Prius的新配备与设计,首先我们还是从动力方面开始,新Prius搭载了一具1.8升引擎(原本为1.5升),发电机和驱动马达。这具引擎的最大马力为98hp,而电动马达的最高输出功率由50kW提高至60kW,其发电机的绕线方式改为集中式(旧款为分散式),其马达的驱动电压最高可升至 650V(第二代可升至500V)。


龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-6 15:21

本帖最后由 龍が如く 于 2010-3-9 18:59 编辑

{:1_432:}永磁体内置 而且好像是采用斜极

龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-6 15:28

本帖最后由 龍が如く 于 2010-3-6 15:30 编辑

只能看到外部结构 至于转子采用什么结构 目前还不清楚

龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-6 15:36

从图上看 电机的定子压板很薄啊 目测大概只有2~3mm个厚 看样子叠片系数非常高啊

龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-6 17:42

pat 发表于 2010-3-6 17:47


龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-6 17:57

本帖最后由 龍が如く 于 2010-3-6 18:59 编辑

回复 7# pat

    我觉得一是为了减小端部长 让电机可以很扁 减小体积,二是反电势波形应该是矩形波 发出的电 更接近直流电 对电池充电吧

龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-7 11:18

本帖最后由 龍が如く 于 2010-3-7 11:22 编辑

龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-7 11:33

The THS high voltage inverter unit.
After the silvery cover is removed, the gut of the high voltageinverter unit is revealed. This particular inverter is the one used inthe NHW11 "Classic" model of the Prius. The 3 black cylinders arecapacitors - the labellings say "TOYOTA Panasonic 450V 2700μF GTA 85°C-NEGATIVE 00 30"
The picture was taken at a Prius information workshop hosted by Toyota Sunnyvale on Feb 22, 2005.

这个图不是最新的第三代prius的inverter unit 是NHW11 仅供参考

y1949b 发表于 2010-3-7 11:54


定子采用集中绕组 ,现在看,似乎是一种潮流了

利于下线 ,

呵呵不知道这回橡树岭实验室能不能再次出手 来个完整的技术报告

y1949b 发表于 2010-3-7 12:01

对了 在这里想问问
1 对于2代prius 电机橡树岭的技术报告
除了《Evaluation of 2004 Toyota Prius Hybrid Electric Drive System Interim Report》
、《Evaluation of 2004 Toyota Prius Hybrid Electric Drive System》、《report on toyota prius motor torque CapabiityTorque Property, No-LOAD BACK-EMF,AND MECHANICAL LOSSES – REVISED MAY 2007》

《Report on toyotaprius motor dssign and manufacturing assessment》

还有哪一篇啊?   知道的能否给个链接或者给传上来一下,小弟先谢谢了

特别是这台电机的   电感参数电阻参数! 至今没有找到测试报告!



龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-7 12:04


y1949b 发表于 2010-3-7 12:09

得了 ,免得大家找的麻烦


龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-7 12:42

本帖最后由 龍が如く 于 2010-3-7 12:47 编辑

呵呵 我也只找到了这些 其它的还没看到

龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-7 13:05

这个是第一代的一篇文章 仅供参考

fuduozhi 发表于 2010-3-9 15:54


leafish 发表于 2010-3-10 15:05


龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-11 10:19

Power Electronics and Electrical Machines                                                
Advanced electric drive vehicles such as hybrid-electric vehicles,plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, fuel cell electric vehicles, and pureelectric vehicles, require power electronics and electrical machines(PEEM) to function. These devices allow the vehicle to use energy fromthe battery to assist in the propulsion of the vehicle, either on theirown or in combination with an engine. Figure 1 is a simple diagram ofan electric system drive, where the inverter (power electronics) takesdirect current (DC) electricity from the battery and converts it toalternating current (AC) electricity and sends it to the motor. Theelectric motor (electric machine) uses the AC current to create torque(mechanical power) to power the wheels for propulsion. Note that thearrows point both ways; this is because the electric machine can alsoact as a generator and help the vehicle slow down when coming to astop. This sends energy back through the inverter and into the batteryto recharge it.
Figure 1. A simple diagram of a HEV traction drive system.

Figure 2 is a diagram of a more complex PEEM system in a plug-inhybrid electric vehicle. This vehicle uses two electrical machines; oneas a generator connected to the engine and another as a motor to drivethe wheels. Each of these machines is connected to an inverter, and thetwo inverters run at a higher voltage than the battery. To achieve thishigh voltage, another power electronics device called a boost converterboosts the battery voltage before sending the DC electricity to theinverters. Notice that the battery charger is considered a powerelectronics device, as are all of the blue components, and that all ofthe components inside the dashed box in Figure 2 could be replaced by ahydrogen fuel cell to create a fuel cell powered PHEV. Key componentsfor hybrid and electric vehicles include motors, inverters/converters,sensors, control systems, and other interface electronics.
Figure 2. A more complex diagram of PEEM in a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).

Advanced technology vehicles such as hybrid electric vehicles(HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), fuel cell hybridelectric vehicles (FCHEVs), and electric vehicles (EVs) can help meetimportant DOE goals, such as petroleum reduction. However, modern dayPEEM technology is not sufficient to enable market-viable PHEVs,FCHEVs, and EVs. So, the Vehicle Technologies Program aims to developthese technologies by setting strategic goals for PEEM, and undertakingresearch projects that are carried out through collaboration amonggovernment, national laboratories, academia, and industry partners.
Achieving the PEEM goals will require the development of newtechnologies. These new technologies must be compatible withhigh-volume manufacturing and must ensure high reliability, efficiency,and ruggedness. These technologies must also reduce cost, weight, andvolume. Of all these challenges, cost is the greatest. PEEM projectpartners work together to ensure that technical attributes,vehicle-scale manufacturing, and cost sensitivities are addressed in atimely fashion and that the resulting technologies can be adopted bycompanies willing and able to supply products to automakers.

龍が如く 发表于 2010-3-11 13:39

本帖最后由 龍が如く 于 2010-3-11 20:09 编辑


avrgb 发表于 2010-3-11 13:44

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查看完整版本: 以第三代TOYOTA Prius为例,讨论电动汽车驱动系统