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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-13 10:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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发表于 2012-7-13 13:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
回复 3# Zeus
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-13 14:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
回复 4# 梦想在望

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-13 15:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
回复 5# Zeus

    Maxwell v14.0.2

Supported Platforms

Supported Operating Systems (Windows version):

- Windows XP 32-bit Service Pack 2
- Windows Server 2003 32-bit Service Pack 1

- Windows XP 64-bit Service Pack 2
- Windows Server 2003 64-bit Service Pack 1
- Windows HPC Server 2008
- Windows 7 Business Editions (32-bit and 64-bit versions)

Limited support for:

- Windows Vista 32-bit Service Pack 1
- Windows Vista 64-bit Service Pack 1

Windows Vista is supported in limited capacity for this release.
ANSYS, Inc., will attempt to assist with any problems you encounter but
cannot guarantee full compatibility with this operating system for this

Support for Windows Vista will be removed in a future release of this


   32-Bit System Requirements
     Minimum System Requirements:
     Processor: All fully compatible 686 (or later) instruction set processors, 500 MHz
     Hard Drive Space (for Maxwell software): 200 MB
     RAM: 512 MB

     Recommended Minimum Configuration (for Optimal Performance):
     Processor: All fully compatible 786 (or later) instruction set processors, 1 GHz
     Video card: 128-bit SVGA or PCI Express video card
     Hard Drive Space (for Maxwell software and temporary files): 500 MB
     RAM: 2 GB

   64-bit System Requirements
     Minimum System Requirements:
     Supported processors: AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support,
                           Intel Pentium 4 with Intel EM64T support
     Hard Drive Space (for Maxwell software): 200 MB
     RAM: 2 GB

     Recommended Minimum Configuration (for Optimal Performance):
     Supported processors: AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support,
                           Intel Pentium 4 with Intel EM64T support
     Video card: 128-bit SVGA or PCI Express video card
     Hard Drive Space (for Maxwell software and temporary files): 700 MB
     RAM: 8 GB

Technical and Installation Support
For installation or technical support, please send e-mail to techsupport@ansoft.com
or call (+1) 412-261-3200 x199.

Please provide the following information when you contact us:   
  - Your name and affiliation   
  - Version number of Maxwell   
  - The type of hardware and operating system you are using   
  - A description of what happened and what you were doing when the     
    problem occurred as well as the exact wording of any messages     
    that appeared on the screen  

New Features in Maxwell 14.0

Significantly Improved Workbench Integration
If WorkBench 13 is installed when Maxwell 14 is installed, you will now
see Maxwell2D, Maxwell3D and RMxprt show up as analysis systems in WB.
These operate much like other ANSYS products. If you edit a Maxwell
design from the WB, it will launch Maxwell in WB integration mode and
if you have setup a Maxwell design you can use "update" in WorkBench
to launch the solution.

Maxwell designs created in WorkBench automatically have DesignXplorer
setups created. If you designate variables as optimization variables
and/or add calculations to the DesignXplorer setup in Maxwell, a
parameters box will appear in WB. These parameters can be linked
between analysis types in WB.

You can import existing Maxwell projects into the WB. Solutions are
imported but WB will not show the correct solved status until you
"update" the design in WB.

Scripting is supported seamlessly between WB journals and Maxwell. If
you start recording a journal in WB and edit a Maxwell design, Maxwell
will begin recording its own script. When you play back the WB journal
file it will launch Maxwell's script at the appropriate time.

Note that geometry cannot be linked between Maxwell and Mechanical
setups. You must export and import as before. There is a geometry
link option available as a "Beta Feature" in this release.

Other New Features or Improvements in Maxwell 14.0

Initial Mesh generation for Maxwell3D will take advantage of multiple
processors when using the default TAU mesher, a multiprocessor license
is required.

In prior versions if you had 'dynamically update postprocessing data
for new solutions' set to "Automatically" and had reports defined, the
solution time for transient models became progressively slower with many
time steps. There is a significant speed improvement for transient
solutions in v14 compared to v13 when using this setting.

There was formerly a dramatic slowdown in 2D transient simulations
when saving fields. This has been improved significantly in v14.

The amount of disk space used for the results folder when saving fields
during a transient simulation has been reduced significantly.

There has also been a significant speed improvement for distributed
parametric sweeps when saving fields.

There has been a significant speed improvement for models using many
expressions in the expression cache. In Maxwell v13 having many
expressions in the expression cache would slow down the simulation
and make the interface unresponsive. [Note that in Maxwell v14 having
expressions in the cache that depend on field quantities can still
cause a slow down when doing a distributed parametric sweep. This
is because the expression cache evaluation is done by the single-
threaded post-processor in the graphical interface and not distributed
along with the solutions. This can cause a delay when using many solver
engines as the solvers have to wait for the interface to 'catch up'.]

In 2D and 3D transient you can now calculate inductance of windings
vs. time. This calculation is not done by default. To turn it on
go to "Design Settings" and check the box in the "Matrix Computation"
tab. When this is checked if you create a Transient Report you will
see inductance quantities (L) listed under the Winding category.

In 2D and 3D magnetostatic you can now choose to calculate
incremental inductance instead of apparent inductance. Go to
"Design Settings" and select the option in the "Matrix Computation"

Functional magnetization direction is now supported in Maxwell 2D.
This allows magnetization direction to be function of spatial
intrinsic variables (X,Y, etc.). (This was previously only supported
in Maxwell 3D.)

In 2D and 3D transient, the nonlinear residual can now be set as
a function of Time (or Speed).

Force density vector plots are now possible in Maxwell.

Support has been added in Maxwell3D for temperature dependent nonlinear
anisotropic materials.

Force and Torque calculations are now available in 3D electric
transient solutions.

In Maxwell 2D you can now calculate magnetization of a nonlinear
material and use this material in a linked design. Look under
"Excitations" for the controls to "Set Magnetization Computation..."
This applies to magnetostatic and transient designs.

The algorithm for calculating demagnetization operating points in
Maxwell2D has been improved and now matches 3D.

When exporting a Simplorer model from RMxprt, RMxprt now generates
a vbscript that can be executed by Simplorer to generate components.

When generating a Maxwell design from RMxprt, the Maxwell design
now calculates parameters for a mechanical transient (moment of
inertia, etc.). To use these values you must open the motion setup,
go to the mechanical tab and check the box for consider mechanical
transient. You must do this in the same session in which the Maxwell
design was generated as the values are not saved if you don't choose
to use them.

Under Tools/Options Analysis Options, you can now create multiple
distributed solve configurations that can be named and saved. You can
set a different distributed solve configuration for each design type.

The RSM service options have been moved to a separate tab under general
options. This was formerly part of the analysis options tab.

A ruler showing the scale of the current view is now (optionally) displayed
in modeler windows.

Polyline with cross section now supports trapezoid cross section.

You can now create an Object Coordinate System in the modeler.

There is a new command to "Move CS to End" that can operate on commands
in an object's history that CreateObjectCS or CreateFaceCS. This is
used to move the creation of the coordinate system to the end of the
object's history so that it is created in the final position. It is
useful if you have moved or edited an object after you created a CS.

The 3D meshing algorithms have been improved so that there will be
far fewer errors from the solvers complaining about the surface of
the mesh not being watertight.

Major Known Bugs or Limitations in Maxwell 14.0.0

ANSft00109025 - Edge force density values from Maxwell2D are incorrect
for edges of moving parts for 2D transient designs with motion.
[Mostly resolved in 14.0.1, the force density vector values are now
correct, but the visualization of the force vectors in Maxwell's fields
post processor shows the direction of the vectors without transforming
with respect to the rotation and shows the correct direction only
in the initial postion.]

ANSft00099966 - In Maxwell3D if you select an object and apply a
skin depth operation nothing will happen. You must select the faces of
the object to apply a skin depth mesh operation.

ANSft00098514 - When operating Maxwell from within the ANSYS Workbench,
new designs created in the Maxwell desktop do not show in the
WB schematic. This includes Maxwell 2D and Maxwell 3D designs created
by RMxprt. The workaround is to run the Maxwell desktop outside
the Workbench until all designs have been generated, then import
into WB.

ANSft00086820 - For 2D transient models with rotational motion that
use master and slave boundaries with opposite fields on the master
and slave (Bs=-Bm) and with permanent magnets in the moving section.
Field post processing of the magnets will be incorrect for some
positions of the wedge. In this situation the direction of
magnetization in the magnets should be reversed for every other time
the wedge is repositioned, but this does not happen for 2D in Maxwell
13.0.  [It does work correctly for 3D transient.] This only effects
fields post processing. The workaround is to model an even number
poles instead of a single pole so that a Bs=Bm setting can be used
for the slave boundary.

ANSft00094808 - In Tools/Options the interface allows you to specify
custom locations for UserLib and PersonalLib. These settings allow
you to use UDPs in "UserDefinedPrimitives" subdirectories under those
locations. The interface correctly uses these settings for the
modeler, but these settings are not being passed correctly to the
solution engines. When you attempt to solve a model that uses a UDP
in a custom UserLib or PersonalLib on Windows a remote solve will
fail, and on Linux, all solutions will fail unless the UDP is also
placed in the default userlib location (in the installation

ANSft00078619 - In 2D transient models, a balloon boundary cannot be
used in combination with master-slave boundaries. You get an error
that includes the message: "Could not intersect the mesh with a
line!" Replace the balloon boundary with a value boundary.

ANSft00094404 - When meshing a true curve with a surface
approximation setting for Maximum Surface Normal Deviation (angle)
smaller than 1 degree the result is the same as a 1 degree setting.
This is due to a limitation in the 3rd party modeling library.  In
many cases you can get a mesh representation closer to the true
surface by using a small value for the Maximum Surface Normal
Deviation (length).

ANSft00092770 - Skin Depth mesh refinement applied to a true curved
surface can cause the mesh on the surface to pull away from the
actual surface of the object causing a poor representation of the
surface. At this time, skin depth mesh refinement works best on
segmented planar surfaces. Length based mesh operations work well on
curved surfaces.

Changes in Maxwell 14.0.1

Maxwell2D and Maxwell3D now support HPC Pack licensing.
To use, purchase HPC licenses, and set the options under
"Tools/Options/Maxwell 2D Options" and/or  
"Tools/Options/Maxwell 3D Options".

Bugs fixed in Maxwell 14.0.1

ANSft00111909 - In Maxwell 14.0 the 3D magnetostatic solver was
failing on 32-bit versions of Windows when solving models with
nonlinear materials.

ANSft00112661 and ANSft00113127 - In 3D Transient models with
stranded windings, applying insulating boundaries to the outside
faces of the windings could cause incorrect, non-uniform current
density in some cases.

ANSft00111335 - In Maxwell 14.0 3D Magnetostatic and 3D Transient
models with anisotropic nonlinear materials would not solve.

ANSft00109025 - Edge force density values from Maxwell2D are now
correct for edges of moving parts for 2D transient designs with
motion. [However, the visualization of the force vectors in
Maxwell's fields post processor shows the direction of the vectors
without transforming with respect to the rotation and shows the
correct direction only in the initial position.]

ANSft00092048 - In Maxwell2D it is possible to use a translational
motion model with matching boundaries to emulate a wedge of a
rotating machine with very large radius (compared to the width
of the section being modeled). There was a bug leading to
incorrect results for some of these types of models.

ANSft00100030 - Maxwell 2D models with nonlinear materials in
which the BH curve extended into the 3rd quadrant would not

ANSft0011193 - The single-phase transformer model for Simplorer
created from a parametric solution in Maxwell was not correct
and would not work in Simplorer.

Bugs fixed in Maxwell 14.0.2

ANSft00115800 - There was a bug in the meshmaker that could
cause failures when using the 'classic' mesher to make 3D meshes.
This bug existed on all platforms, but only seemed to cause a
failure on Linux versions.

US28128 - There was a file handle leak in the COM engines that
could cause an eventual COM engine failure in very large parametric
sweeps using DSO.

ANSft00114756 - In RMxprt, recording and playing back scripts that
set the 'End Ring conductor Type' would not work.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-13 15:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
工欲善其事 必先利其器。用14.0如果有些正好BUG了,然后怀疑计算过程,是不值得的。

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发表于 2012-11-15 20:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江台州
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发表于 2012-12-6 15:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
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