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一下是simplorer onlinehelp里面的关于maxwell 2D transient model 和simplorer联合的具体步骤,很多同学可能不太清楚simplorer里面有这样的help说明,现分享下:
1. Open a Maxwell project or create a new project using the Maxwell Desktop.
2. Right click on the design name in the Project Manager window. Choose Solution Type in the shortcut menu.The Solution Type dialog box appears.
3. Click the Transient radio button in the Magnetic section of the dialog box and click OK.
4. Right-click on the design name in the Project Manager window. Choose Design Settings in the shortcut menu.
a. If necessary, choose Symmetry Multiplier tab and type the appropriate symmetry
b. Choose the Advanced Product Coupling tab and check the Enable transient link
with Simplorer checkbox.
c. If a 2D design is involved choose the Model Depth tab and enter a value, and the
appropriate units, to represent the length of the device.
d. Click OK to accept the changes and dismiss the dialog.
5. Transient-Transient coupling requires a motion setup in Maxwell as follows:
a. Right-click on Model in the Project Manager window and choose Motion Setup/
Assign Band..., from the shortcut menu.
b. Choose the Type tab within the Motion Setup dialog box and set the desired Motion Type and the corresponding Moving Vector.
c. Click OK.
6. Define the appropriate boundary conditions using the Maxwell2D/Boundaries menu.
7. Define the model excitation using the Maxwell2D/Excitations menu. The Maxwell
model must have at least one external winding as follows:
a. When assigning the Coil Excitation the user should enter the coil Name, the Number of Conductors and the appropriate Polarity and then click OK. This step has to be ote You do not need to define an initial position since the initial condition will be established by the Simplorer simulator.performed for each Coil definition.
b. When assigning a Winding configuration for a selected Coil Excitation, the Wind-
ing Type should be External as either Solid or Stranded. The user should define the
number of parallel branches and then click OK.
8. Add a Solution Setup under Analysis.
9. Save the Maxwell Project. If you exit the Maxwell simulator, Simplorer will launch it
again in a non-graphical “Extractor” mode to establish the link. If you leave Maxwell
open, the link will be established with the open Maxwell Desktop and you will be able to monitor the solution process in Maxwell as well as any messages that may be displayed during the simulation process.
Note You do not need to define an initial current since the initial condition will be established by Simplorer simulator.
Note The Maxwell simulation end time (Tend) must be greater than or equal to that of
Simplorer. All the other options within the Solve Setup are optional as far the Simplorer
coupling task is concerned.
1. On the Simplorer Circuit main menu, select Subcircuit>Maxwell Component>Add
Transient Cosimulation.
This launches the Maxwell application. The Maxwell 2D Transient-Transient coupling
dialog box appears after Maxwell has finished loading.
2. On the Link Description tab, specify a Name for the component. Refer to Names of Com-ponents and Variables for naming conventions.
3. In the Selection panel, click the [...] button to open a file browser window, and locate and
choose the Maxwell Finite Element model .mxwl file containing the design you wish to
The selected project is loaded into Maxwell.
4. Select either a 2D or 3D Design Type as appropriate for your model.
Simplorer communicates with Maxwell to load the selected file. A list of designs is
retrieved from the Maxwell file and displayed in the Design drop-down menu.
The dialog box’s Information tab is also updated to show the Number of Conservative
Pins and various other Quantities present in the selected model. You can choose to add
pins to the component for listed Quantities.
5. Select the Design and related Solution you wish to use from the drop-down lists on the
Link Description tab.
6. On the Options tab, choose to show either the Pin Name or Pin Description on the new
component. By default, pin names are shown.
• If you chose Pin Description when adding the component, you can subsequently
enable individual pin names by opening the component symbol in the symbol editor,
deleting a pin’s description, then double-clicking the pin and enabling ShowName in
the pin properties dialog box.
• If you chose Pin Name when adding the component, you can subsequently hide indi-
vidual pin names by opening the component symbol in the symbol editor, then dou-
ble-clicking a pin and disabling ShowName in the pin properties dialog box. You can
then add descriptive text to the pin using the editor’s Draw>Text tool.
• Optionally, choose to Save and/or to Unload the Maxwell project after use by check-
ing the appropriate checkboxes.
7. Optionally on the Link Description tab, choose the Edit Project button to open the Max-well project window if you wish to edit the model directly in Maxwell.
a. Edit the model in Maxwell.
b. When finished editing, click the Obtain Design Information button to update the
data on the Information tab.
8. When finished, click OK to accept the values and close the dialog, or Cancel to close the
dialog without the changes.
9. Place the component on the schematic sheet as you would any other component.
10. After placing the component on a sheet, the Properties dialog may be opened for configu-ration of the component. The component includes the following outputs on the Quantities tab, which may be plotted in display elements or saved with simulation results:
• For each winding: the current, terminal voltage, flux linkage, and internal EMF.
Note Be sure to re-run the model analysis after making changes to the model.
• Total core loss.
• Total winding conductor loss.
• For linear motion: the force, displacement, and velocity.
• For rotational motion: the torque, angle, and speed. |