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求助关于 单相异步电机ANSOFT 软件的



发表于 2011-5-7 15:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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今天设计的250W  输入220V  的  电机   RMXPRT  输出的结果是对的   但是创建有限元分析   设置后 输出的  转速一直上不去,额定的是2800   但是这个只能到400 ,400后却翻转了 求高手帮忙  提醒下 哪里错了谢谢
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-7 15:18 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# fengxiaocan

            Single-Phase Induction Motor Design

File: c:/新建文件夹/maxwell/default/lunwen2.pjt/lunwen2.res


Rated Output Power (kW):        0.25
Rated Voltage (V):        220
Number of Poles:        2
Frequency (Hz):        50
Rated Speed (rpm):        2900
Friction and Wind Loss (W):        5.4
Type of Load:        Constant Power
Iron Core Length (mm):          45
Stacking Factor of Iron Core:        0.95
Type of Steel:        D23-50
Operating Temperature (C):        75
Rotor Position:        Inner
Operation mode:        Capacitor-Run Mode
Run Capacitance (uF):        8
  & Its Resistance (ohm):        3.97887
Speed-Adjustment mode:        No Speed-Adjustment


Number of Stator Slots:        24
Outer Diameter of Stator (mm):          120
Inner Diameter of Stator (mm):          60

Type of Stator Slot:        2
Dimension of Stator Slot       
            hs0 (mm):          0.75      
            hs1 (mm):          0.8      
            hs2 (mm):          10.05     
            bs0 (mm):          2.5      
            bs1 (mm):          4.55      
            bs2 (mm):          7.2      
Top Tooth Width (mm):          3.70977
Bottom Tooth Width (mm):          3.69085

        Main      Aux.   
Type of Coils:        31        31        
Coil Position:        Top       Bot
Conductor Length Adjustment (mm):          1         5         
Number of Parallel Branches:        1         1         
Number of Wires per Conductor:        1         1         
Number of Conductors per Slot:       
            slot # 1:        77        0   
            slot # 2:        72        41   
            slot # 3:        61        65   
            slot # 4:        47        85   
            slot # 5:        29        100  
            slot # 6:        0         107  

Main-Phase Wire Diameter (mm):          0.6      
Aux.-Phase Wire Diameter (mm):          0.45      
Main-Phase Wire Wrap (mm):          0.06      
Aux.-Phase Wire Wrap (mm):          0.04      

Slot Insulation Thickness (mm):          0.25


Number of Rotor Slots:        18
Air Gap (mm):          0.3
Inner Diameter of Rotor (mm):          20

Type of Rotor Slot:        1
Dimension of Rotor Slot
            hr0 (mm):          0.2
            hr01 (mm):          0
            hr2 (mm):          5.75
            br0 (mm):          0.2
            br1 (mm):          5.2
            br2 (mm):          3.2
Cast Rotor:        Yes

Number of Vents:        0
Vent Diameter (mm):          0
Vent Location (mm):          0
Skew Width:        0
End Length of Bar (mm):          0.6
Height of End Ring (mm):          7
Width of End Ring (mm):          7
Bar Resistivity (ohm.mm^2/m):        0.0434
End_Ring Resistivity (ohm.mm^2/m):        0.0434
Rotor Core Length (mm):          45
Rotor Stacking Factor        0.95
Rotor Steel Type        D23-50


Armature Copper Density (kg/m^3):          8900
Rotor Bar Material Density (kg/m^3):          2700
Rotor Ring Material Density (kg/m^3):          2700
Armature Core Steel Density (kg/m^3):          7820
Rotor Core Steel Density (kg/m^3):          7820

Main Winding Copper Weight (kg):          0.431898
Auxiliary Winding Copper Weight (kg):          0.388683
Rotor Bar Material Weight (kg):          0.0871848
Rotor Ring Material Weight (kg):          0.0432258
Armature Core Steel Weight (kg):          2.16094
Rotor Core Steel Weight (kg):          0.587734
Total Net Weight (kg):          3.69967

Armature Core Steel Consumption (kg):          4.11248
Rotor Core Steel Consumption (kg):          0.945225


Main-Phase Resistance (ohm):        13.1724
Aux.-Phase Resistance (ohm):        37.4659
Main Leakage Reactance (ohm):        6.844
Aux. Leakage Reactance (ohm):        16.2468
Rotor Resistance (ohm):        16.3345
Rotor Leakage Reactance (ohm):        7.18741
Magnetizing Reactance (ohm):        182.649
Turn Ratio of Aux. to Main-Coil:        1.39055

Stator Line Current (A):        1.67455
Main-Phase Current (A):        1.33593
Aux.-Phase Current (A):        0.956844
Phase Shift between Main        
  and Aux. Currents (degrees):        90.8011
Capacitor Voltage (V):        380.716

Capacitor Loss (W):        3.64286
Copper Loss of Stator Winding (W):        57.8109
Copper Loss of Rotor Winding (W):        12.4842
Iron-Core Loss (W):        17.603
Friction & Wind Loss (W):        5.08177
Total Loss (W):        96.6227
Input Power (W):        345.65
Output Power (W):        249.028

Mechanical Shaft Torque (N.m):        0.836785
Efficiency (%):        72.0461
Power Factor:        0.938247
Rated Slip:        0.0527083
Rated Shaft Speed (rpm):        2841.88


Main Leakage Reactance (ohm):        6.62334
Aux. Leakage Reactance (ohm):        15.8209
Rotor Leakage Reactance (ohm):        6.35915
Magnetizing Reactance (ohm):        145.366

No-Load Stator Line Current (A):        1.28355
No-Load Main-Phase Current (A):        1.78496
No-Load Aux.-Phase Current (A):        1.06306
Phase Shift between No-Load Main        
  and Aux. Currents (degrees):        137.548

No-Load Iron-Core Loss (W):        19.5698
No-Load Input Power (W):        128.038
No-Load Power Factor:        0.453423
No-Load Slip:        0.00205892
No-Load Shaft Speed (rpm):        2993.82


Break-Down Slip:        0.28
Break-Down Torque (N.m):        1.91165
Break-Down Torque Ratio:        2.28451


Locked-Rotor Torque (N.m):        0.516624
Locked-Rotor Line Current (A):        6.88693
Locked-Rotor Torque Ratio:        0.617392
Locked-Rotor Current Ratio:        4.11271

Locked-Rotor Main-Phase Current (A):        7.03173
Locked-Rotor Aux.-Phase Current (A):        0.590646
Phase Shift between Locked-Rotor Main        
  and Aux. Currents (degrees):        107.198


Main Slot Leakage Reactance (ohm):        1.62377
Main End-Winding Leakage
  Reactance (ohm):        4.13925
Main Differential Leakage
  Reactance (ohm):        1.08098

Aux. Slot Leakage Reactance (ohm):        4.72406
Aux. End-Winding Leakage
  Reactance (ohm):        9.43621
Aux. Differential Leakage
  Reactance (ohm):        2.08657

Rotor Slot Leakage Reactance (ohm):        3.2521
Rotor End-Winding Leakage
  Reactance (ohm):        2.06935
Rotor Differential Leakage
  Reactance (ohm):        1.86596
Skewing Leakage Reactance (ohm):        0

Main-Phase Winding Factor:        0.807569
Aux.-Phase Winding Factor:        0.806953

Stator-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla):        1.52103
Rotor-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla):        1.79159
Stator-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla):        1.5223
Rotor-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla):        1.45414
Air-Gap Flux Density (Tesla):        0.671257

Stator-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T):        26.7675
Rotor-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T):        97.8804
Stator-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T):        86.2887
Rotor-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T):        7.25365
Air-Gap Ampere Turns (A.T):        215.1

Correction Factor for Magnetic
  Circuit Length of Stator Yoke:        0.458443
Correction Factor for Magnetic
  Circuit Length of Rotor Yoke:        0.248358
Saturation Factor for Teeth:        1.57949
Saturation Factor for Teeth & Yoke:        2.01436
Induced-Voltage Factor:        0.925853

Mean Half-Turn Length of
  Main-Phase Winding (mm):          150.028
Mean Half-Turn Length of
  Aux.-Phase Winding (mm):          172.484

Main Winding Current Density (A/mm^2):        4.72489
Aux. Winding Current Density (A/mm^2):        6.01625
Specific Electric Loading (A/mm):        16.1892
Mean Stator Thermal Load (A^2/mm^3):        86.9283

        Fill-Factor    Thermal-Load
           (%)         (A^2/mm^3)
            Slot # 1        50.562         61.884         
            Slot # 2        62.119         87.916         
            Slot # 3        63.582         96.667         
            Slot # 4        61.628         100.074        
            Slot # 5        55.237         96.602         
            Slot # 6        38.728         78.426         


For Main Winding:
  Number of Turns:        572
  Parallel Branches:        1
  Terminal Resistance (ohm):        13.1724
  End Leakage Inductance (H):        0.0131757
For Aux. Winding:
  Number of Turns:        796
  Parallel Branches:        1
  Terminal Resistance (ohm):        37.4659
  End Leakage Inductance (H):        0.0300364
  Starting Capacitance (uF):        0
  Running Capacitance (uF):        8
  Switch Speed (rpm):        0
For Rotor End Ring Between Two Bars of One Side:
  End Ring Resistance (ohm):        7.27326e-006
  End Ring Leakage Inductance (H):        4.11536e-009
  End Bar Resistance (ohm):        8.08865e-008
  End Bar Inductance (H):        1.21173e-010
  Skew Leakage Inductance (H):        0
2D Equivalent Value:
  Equivalent Air-Gap Length (mm):        45
  Equivalent Stator Stacking Factor:        0.95
  Equivalent Rotor Stacking Factor:        0.95
Estimated Rotor Moment of Inertia (kg m^2):        0.000428996
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-7 15:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-7 15:38 | 显示全部楼层
你这样描述能说明问题么? 那好 我回答一下你ansoft maxwell求解错了
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