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- 1970-1-1
签到天数: 99 天 连续签到: 2 天 [LV.6]常住居民II
发表于 2010-3-19 11:17
来自: 中国广东惠州
TEMPERATURE (ABNORMAL)非正常条件下温度测试: Cl 6.17 / Par. 51.4.
Chain saw rested on white tissue paper on a softwood surface.
Products incorporating other than a one-shot fusible device, locked rotor, max setting, 1 sample
Probe test compliance.探针测试
Dielectric strength test compliance.电器强度测试,带电体到机壳表面施加1000V+2倍额定电压
SUPPLEMENTARY INSULATION (OVERLOAD BURNOUT) TEST附加绝缘过载烧机测试:Cl. 7.6.3 / Par 45 and 76 (Double insulated tools) Cycling operation, increasing load by 10 percent of the rated input every 15 min (14-1/2 min loaded, 1/2 min no load).
3 samples tested
测试三个样品 Sample #1 Sample #2 Sample #3
Rated Current (A)额定电流
First cycle at (% of rated)第一个循环加载状况
End result obtained at (% of rated)做后一个循环加载状况
Reached 200% rated load (Yes/No)是否加载到2倍额定负载(是/否)
Reached 6 hours test time (Yes/No)是否测试了6H(是/否)
Total test time (min/sec)总测试时间
Enclosure temperature (C)外壳温度
Flame (Yes/No)是否有火焰(是/否)
Motor winding open circuited (Yes/No)电机是否开路(是/否)
Tool stalled (Yes/No)停止运转(是/否)
Sudden current increase (Yes/No)是否有瞬时大电流现象(是/否)
Tool operate (Yes/No)继续运转(是/否)
Max. leakage current (Max 0.5 mA)最大泄露电流(小于等于0.5mA)
Probe test (Cl. (OK)温升
Dielectric strength test compliance (1000 + 2V ac) (OK)
Ambient环境温度 22.0 |