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楼主 |
发表于 2023-10-25 10:32
来自: 中国上海
出现这样的提示。*Global - Messages
[error] Script macro error: Script Error (Code 80070223) in file: C:/Users/asus/Desktop/3TH month cae/motorcad/9025 14ji 20231025(15ban).vbs Description: Simulation for 9025 14ji 20231025(15ban)_ANSYSEM_2D : Motor-CAD 9025 14ji 20231025(15ban) has failed with execution error. Line(4266): "oDesign.AnalyzeAll"
9025 14ji 20231025(15ban)_ANSYSEM_2D (C:/Users/asus/Desktop/3TH month cae/motorcad/)
Motor-CAD 9025 14ji 20231025(15ban) (Transient, XY)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1N1_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1S1_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1S7_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1N2_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1N6_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1S3_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1N3_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1S6_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1N4_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorAir_1" and "1Magnet1S5_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_13_1" and "1Magnet1N1_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_13_1" and "1Magnet1S1_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_10_1" and "1Magnet1S7_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_9_1" and "1Magnet1N2_1_1" intersect. (10:31:07 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_8_1" and "1Magnet1S7_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_8_1" and "1Magnet1N6_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_7_1" and "1Magnet1N2_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_6_1" and "1Magnet1S3_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_6_1" and "1Magnet1N3_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_5_1" and "1Magnet1S6_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_4_1" and "1Magnet1S6_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_3_1" and "1Magnet1N3_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_1" and "1Magnet1N4_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Parts "RotorPole_1" and "1Magnet1S5_1_1" intersect. (10:31:08 上午 10月 25, 2023)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:31:09 上午 10月 25, 2023)