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[Maxwell] 为什么3D不能查看矢量磁位



发表于 2019-4-15 09:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国黑龙江哈尔滨



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发表于 2019-7-11 22:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国陕西西安
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发表于 2020-2-22 21:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东济南
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发表于 2020-2-22 22:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国安徽合肥
本帖最后由 zengxiaodong 于 2020-2-22 22:13 编辑



2-D static magnetic analysis, analyzing magnetic fields caused by direct current (DC) or permanent magnets. A 2-D static analyses use a magnetic vector potential (MVP) formulation. See 2-D Static Magnetic Analysis (p.13) in this manual for more information.

2-D harmonic magnetic analysis, analyzing magnetic fields caused by low frequency alternating current (AC) or voltage. Permanent magnets are not permitted.This type of analysis uses an MVP formulation. For details about this analysis type, see 2-D Harmonic Magnetic (AC) Analysis (p.51).

2-D transient magnetic analysis, analyzing magnetic fields caused by arbitrary electric current or external field that varies over time. Permanent magnet effects also can be included.This analysis type uses an MVP formulation.2-D Transient Magnetic Analysis (p.77) describes this analysis type in detail.

3-D static magnetic analysis, analyzing magnetic fields caused by direct current (DC) or permanent magnets using a magnetic scalar potential (MSP) formulation. See 3-D Static Magnetic Analysis (Scalar Method) (p.93) for more information.

3-D static magnetic analysis, analyzing magnetic fields caused by direct current (DC) or permanent magnets using an edge-based formulation.3-D Magnetostatics and Fundamentals of Edge-Based Analysis (p.117) describes this type of analysis in detail.

3-D harmonic magnetic analysis, analyzing magnetic fields caused by low frequency alternating current (AC), using an edge-based formulation. Permanent magnets are not permitted.The edge-based formulation is recommended for most harmonic magnetic applications. See 3-D Harmonic Magnetic Analysis (Edge-Based) (p.145) for a description of this analysis type.

3-D transient magnetic analysis, analyzing magnetic fields caused by arbitrary electric current or external field that varies over time, using an edge-based formulation. Permanent magnet effects also can be included.The edge-based formulation is recommended for most transient magnetic applications.3-D Transient Magnetic Analysis (Edge-Based) (p.173) discusses edge-based transient analysis.

The magnetic scalar potential (MSP) formulation, considered a node-based method, is recommended for most 3-D static analysis applications.The scalar approach allows you to model current sources as primitives rather than elements; therefore, the current sources do not need to be part of the finite element mesh.The scalar method offers the following:
Brick, wedge, pyramid, and tetrahedral element geometries
Current sources defined by primitives (coils, bars, and arcs)
Permanent magnets
Linear and nonlinear permeability
Node coupling and constraint equations
In addition, modeling of current sources (current conducting regions) is simpler with the scalar formulation.This is so because you can simply specify current source primitives (coils, bars, and so forth) in the proper locations to account for their magnetic field contribution.

The magnetic vector potential (MVP) formulation is another node-based method, but for 2-D analyses. It has a single magnetic vector potential degree of freedom, AZ, at each node.With the MVP formulation, you model current sources (current conducting regions) as an integral part of the finite element model.

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发表于 2020-2-22 22:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国安徽合肥
For the scalar potential formulation, you can use three different analysis methods: Reduced Scalar Potential (RSP), Difference Scalar Potential (DSP), and Generalized Scalar Potential (GSP).The type of model you are analyzing determines which method is best to use:

1、 If the model contains no iron regions, or if it has iron regions but does not have current sources, use the RSP method.Do not use the RSP method when the model has both iron regions and current sources, because numerical cancellation errors may produce an inaccurate solution.
2、 If you cannot use the RSP method, choose between DSP and GSP .The DSP method is available for models with "singly connected" iron regions, and the GSP method is for models with a "multiply connected" iron region.
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发表于 2020-2-22 22:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国安徽合肥
本帖最后由 zengxiaodong 于 2020-2-22 22:27 编辑



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