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本帖最后由 tomorrowgary 于 2017-8-1 09:40 编辑
- ' ----------------------------------------------
- ' Script Recorded by ANSYS Electronics Desktop Version 2016.2.0
- ' 15:05:10 7月 27, 2017
- ' ----------------this file is to implement whole parametric simulation, including the poles number,
- 'slot number as well as coils number, but variables can't be assigned to rotation, so failed.
- Dim oAnsoftApp
- Dim oDesktop
- Dim oProject
- Dim oDesign
- Dim oEditor
- Dim oModule
- Set oAnsoftApp = CreateObject("Ansoft.ElectronicsDesktop")
- Set oDesktop = oAnsoftApp.GetAppDesktop()
- oDesktop.RestoreWindow
- Set oProject = oDesktop.GetActiveProject()
- 'a project name can be given to direct to a project
- Set oDesign = oProject.GetActiveDesign()
- Set oEditor = oDesign.SetActiveEditor("3D Modeler")
- '-------------------------------------------function--------------------------------------------
- function Ain(number)
- Ain="Ain_" & (number+1)'vb中函数返回应该用(函数名=返回值)定义
- end function
- function Aout(number)
- Aout="Aout_" & (number+1)
- end function
- function Bin(number)
- Bin="Bin_" & (number+1)
- end function
- function Bout(number)
- Bout="Bout_" & (number+1)
- end function
- function Cin(number)
- Cin="Cin_" & (number+1)
- end function
- function Cout(number)
- Cout="Cout_" & (number+1)
- end function
- function AinRectanglem1(number)
- if number=0 then
- AinRectanglem1="Rectanglem1"
- else
- AinRectanglem1="Rectanglem1" & "_" & number*3
- end if
- end function
- function AoutRectangles1(number)
- if number=0 then
- AoutRectangles1="Rectangles1"
- else
- AoutRectangles1="Rectangles1" & "_" & number*3
- end if
- end function
- function BinRectanglem1(number)
- BinRectanglem1="Rectanglem1" & "_" & number*3+1
- end function
- function BoutRectangles1(number)
- BoutRectangles1="Rectangles1" & "_" & number*3+1
- end function
- function CinRectanglem1(number)
- CinRectanglem1="Rectanglem1" & "_" & number*3+2
- end function
- function CoutRectangles1(number)
- CoutRectangles1="Rectangles1" & "_" & number*3+2
- end function
- '----------------------------------------------inner rotor-------------------------------------------
- oEditor.CreatePolyline Array("NAME:PolylineParameters", "IsPolylineCovered:=", _
- false, "IsPolylineClosed:=", false, Array("NAME:PolylinePoints", Array("NAME:PLPoint", "X:=", _
- "10mm", "Y:=", "0mm", "Z:=", "0mm"), Array("NAME:PLPoint", "X:=", "12.5mm", "Y:=", _
- "0mm", "Z:=", "0mm")), Array("NAME:PolylineSegments", Array("NAME:PLSegment", "SegmentType:=", _
- "Line", "StartIndex:=", 0, "NoOfPoints:=", 2)), Array("NAME:PolylineXSection", "XSectionType:=", _
- "None", "XSectionOrient:=", "Auto", "XSectionWidth:=", "0mm", "XSectionTopWidth:=", _
- "0mm", "XSectionHeight:=", "0mm", "XSectionNumSegments:=", "0", "XSectionBendType:=", _
- "Corner")), Array("NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", "Polyline1", "Flags:=", "", "Color:=", _
- "(143 175 143)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", "Global", "UDMId:=", _
- "", "MaterialValue:=", "" & Chr(34) & "vacuum" & Chr(34) & "", "SolveInside:=", _
- true)
- oEditor.CreatePolyline Array("NAME:PolylineParameters", "IsPolylineCovered:=", _
- false, "IsPolylineClosed:=", false, Array("NAME:PolylinePoints", Array("NAME:PLPoint", "X:=", _
- "10mm", "Y:=", "0mm", "Z:=", "0mm"), Array("NAME:PLPoint", "X:=", _
- "9.65925826289068mm", "Y:=", "2.58819045102521mm", "Z:=", "0mm"), Array("NAME:PLPoint", "X:=", _
- "8.66025403784439mm", "Y:=", "5mm", "Z:=", "0mm")), Array("NAME:PolylineSegments", Array("NAME:PLSegment", "SegmentType:=", _
- "AngularArc", "StartIndex:=", 0, "NoOfPoints:=", 3, "NoOfSegments:=", "0", "ArcAngle:=", _
- "30deg", "ArcCenterX:=", "0mm", "ArcCenterY:=", "0mm", "ArcCenterZ:=", "0mm", "ArcPlane:=", _
- "XY")), Array("NAME:PolylineXSection", "XSectionType:=", "None", "XSectionOrient:=", _
- "Auto", "XSectionWidth:=", "0mm", "XSectionTopWidth:=", "0mm", "XSectionHeight:=", _
- "0mm", "XSectionNumSegments:=", "0", "XSectionBendType:=", "Corner")), Array("NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", _
- "Polyline2", "Flags:=", "", "Color:=", "(143 175 143)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", _
- "Global", "UDMId:=", "", "MaterialValue:=", "" & Chr(34) & "vacuum" & Chr(34) & "", "SolveInside:=", _
- true)
- oDesign.ChangeProperty Array("NAME:AllTabs", Array("NAME:LocalVariableTab", Array("NAME:PropServers", _
- "LocalVariables"), Array("NAME:NewProps", Array("NAME:poles", "PropType:=", "VariableProp", "UserDef:=", _
- true, "Value:=", "1"))))
- oEditor.ChangeProperty Array("NAME:AllTabs", Array("NAME:Geometry3DPolylineTab", Array("NAME:PropServers", _
- "Polyline2:CreatePolyline:2:Segment0"), Array("NAME:ChangedProps", Array("NAME:Angle", "Value:=", _
- "180deg/poles-5deg"))))
- oEditor.SweepAlongPath Array("NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", "Polyline1,Polyline2", "NewPartsModelFlag:=", _
- "Model"), Array("NAME:PathSweepParameters", "DraftAngle:=", "0deg", "DraftType:=", _
- "Round", "CheckFaceFaceIntersection:=", false, "TwistAngle:=", "0deg")
- Set oDefinitionManager = oProject.GetDefinitionManager()
- oDefinitionManager.AddMaterial Array("NAME:myNdFe35", "CoordinateSystemType:=", _
- "Cylindrical", Array("NAME:AttachedData"), Array("NAME:ModifierData"), "permittivity:=", _
- "1", "permeability:=", "1.0997785406", "conductivity:=", "625000", "dielectric_loss_tangent:=", _
- "0", "magnetic_loss_tangent:=", "0", Array("NAME:magnetic_coercivity", "property_type:=", _
- "VectorProperty", "Magnitude:=", "-890000A_per_meter", "DirComp1:=", "1", "DirComp2:=", _
- "0", "DirComp3:=", "0"), "thermal_conductivity:=", "0", "saturation_mag:=", _
- "0gauss", "lande_g_factor:=", "2", "delta_H:=", "0Oe", "mass_density:=", "7400", "youngs_modulus:=", _
- "147000000000", Array("NAME:thermal_expansion_coeffcient", "property_type:=", _
- "AnisoProperty", "unit:=", "", "component1:=", "3e-006", "component2:=", _
- "-5e-006", "component3:=", "-5e-006"))
- oEditor.ChangeProperty Array("NAME:AllTabs", Array("NAME:Geometry3DAttributeTab", Array("NAME:PropServers", _
- "Polyline1"), Array("NAME:ChangedProps", Array("NAME:Material", "Value:=", "" & Chr(34) & "myNdFe35" & Chr(34) & ""))))
- oEditor.DuplicateAroundAxis Array("NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", "Polyline1", "NewPartsModelFlag:=", _
- "Model"), Array("NAME:DuplicateAroundAxisParameters", "CreateNewObjects:=", true, "WhichAxis:=", _
- "Z", "AngleStr:=", "180deg/poles", "NumClones:=", "2*poles"), Array("NAME:Options", "DuplicateAssignments:=", false)
- oDesign.ChangeProperty Array("NAME:AllTabs", Array("NAME:LocalVariableTab", Array("NAME:PropServers", _
- "LocalVariables"), Array("NAME:NewProps", Array("NAME:sn", "PropType:=", "VariableProp", "UserDef:=", _
- true, "Value:=", "6"))))
- Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("AnalysisSetup")
- '------------------------------------analysis-------------------------------------------
- oModule.InsertSetup "Transient", Array("NAME:Setup1", "Enabled:=", true, "NonlinearSolverResidual:=", _
- "0.0001", "TimeIntegrationMethod:=", 0, "StopTime:=", "1s", "TimeStep:=", "0.1s", "OutputError:=", _
- false, "UseControlProgram:=", false, "ControlProgramName:=", " ", "ControlProgramArg:=", _
- " ", "CallCtrlProgAfterLastStep:=", false, "FastReachSteadyState:=", false, "IsGeneralTransient:=", _
- true, "NumberOfTimeSubDivisions:=", 1, "HasSweepSetup:=", true, "SweepSetupType:=", _
- "LinearStep", "StartValue:=", "0ns", "StopValue:=", "1s", "StepSize:=", "0.1s", "UseAdaptiveTimeStep:=", _
- false, "InitialTimeStep:=", "0.002s", "MinTimeStep:=", "0.001s", "MaxTimeStep:=", _
- "0.003s", "TimeStepErrTolerance:=", 0.0001)
- Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("Optimetrics")
- '-----------------------------------parametric analysis------------------------------------
- oModule.InsertSetup "OptiParametric", Array("NAME:ParametricSetup1", "IsEnabled:=", _
- true, Array("NAME:ProdOptiSetupData", "SaveFields:=", true, "CopyMesh:=", false), Array("NAME:StartingPoint"), "Sim. Setups:=", Array( _
- "Setup1"), Array("NAME:Sweeps", Array("NAME:SweepDefinition", "Variable:=", "poles", "Data:=", _
- "LIN 1 3 1", "OffsetF1:=", false, "Synchronize:=", 0), Array("NAME:SweepDefinition", "Variable:=", _
- "sn", "Data:=", "LIN 6 12 3", "OffsetF1:=", false, "Synchronize:=", 0)), Array("NAME:Sweep Operations"), Array("NAME:Goals", Array("NAME:Goal", "ReportType:=", _
- "Transient", "Solution:=", "Setup1 : Transient", Array("NAME:SimValueContext", "Context:=", _
- "Moving1"), "Calculation:=", "rms(abs(FluxLinkage(Ayellow)))", "Name:=", _
- "FluxLinkage(Ayellow)", Array("NAME:Ranges", "Range:=", Array("Var:=", "Time", "Type:=", _
- "a"))), Array("NAME:Goal", "ReportType:=", "Transient", "Solution:=", _
- "Setup1 : Transient", Array("NAME:SimValueContext", "Context:=", "Moving1"), "Calculation:=", _
- "rms(FluxLinkage(Bgreen))", "Name:=", "rms(FluxLinkage(Bgreen))", Array("NAME:Ranges", "Range:=", Array("Var:=", _
- "Time", "Type:=", "a"))), Array("NAME:Goal", "ReportType:=", "Transient", "Solution:=", _
- "Setup1 : Transient", Array("NAME:SimValueContext", "Context:=", "Moving1"), "Calculation:=", _
- "rms(FluxLinkage(Cblue))", "Name:=", "rms(FluxLinkage(Cblue))", Array("NAME:Ranges", "Range:=", Array("Var:=", _
- "Time", "Type:=", "a"))), Array("NAME:Goal", "ReportType:=", "Transient", "Solution:=", _
- "Setup1 : Transient", Array("NAME:SimValueContext", "Context:=", "Moving1"), "Calculation:=", _
- "rms(InducedVoltage(Ayellow))", "Name:=", "rms(InducedVoltage(Ayellow))", Array("NAME:Ranges", "Range:=", Array("Var:=", _
- "Time", "Type:=", "a"))), Array("NAME:Goal", "ReportType:=", "Transient", "Solution:=", _
- "Setup1 : Transient", Array("NAME:SimValueContext", "Context:=", "Moving1"), "Calculation:=", _
- "rms(InducedVoltage(Bgreen))", "Name:=", "rms(InducedVoltage(Bgreen))", Array("NAME:Ranges", "Range:=", Array("Var:=", _
- "Time", "Type:=", "a"))), Array("NAME:Goal", "ReportType:=", "Transient", "Solution:=", _
- "Setup1 : Transient", Array("NAME:SimValueContext", "Context:=", "Moving1"), "Calculation:=", _
- "rms(InducedVoltage(Cblue))", "Name:=", "rms(InducedVoltage(Cblue))", Array("NAME:Ranges", "Range:=", Array("Var:=", _
- "Time", "Type:=", "a")))))
- oProject.Save
- Set oEditor = oDesign.SetActiveEditor("3D Modeler")
- '------------------------------------------stator----------------------------------
- oEditor.CreateUserDefinedPart Array("NAME:UserDefinedPrimitiveParameters", "DllName:=", _
- "RMxprt/SlotCore.dll", "Version:=", "12.1", "NoOfParameters:=", 19, "Library:=", _
- "syslib", Array("NAME:ParamVector", Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "DiaGap", "Value:=", _
- "19.4mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "DiaYoke", "Value:=", "3mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", _
- "Length", "Value:=", "0mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "Skew", "Value:=", "0deg"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", _
- "Slots", "Value:=", "sn"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "SlotType", "Value:=", "1"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", _
- "Hs0", "Value:=", "0.5mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "Hs01", "Value:=", "0mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", _
- "Hs1", "Value:=", "0.6mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "Hs2", "Value:=", _
- "3mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "Bs0", "Value:=", "1mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", _
- "Bs1", "Value:=", "3mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "Bs2", "Value:=", "0.3mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", _
- "Rs", "Value:=", "0mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "FilletType", "Value:=", "0"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", _
- "HalfSlot", "Value:=", "0"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "SegAngle", "Value:=", _
- "15deg"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "LenRegion", "Value:=", _
- "200mm"), Array("NAME:Pair", "Name:=", "InfoCore", "Value:=", "0"))), Array("NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", _
- "SlotCore1", "Flags:=", "", "Color:=", "(143 175 143)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", _
- "Global", "UDMId:=", "", "MaterialValue:=", "" & Chr(34) & "vacuum" & Chr(34) & "", "SolveInside:=", _
- true)
- Set oDefinitionManager = oProject.GetDefinitionManager()
- oDefinitionManager.AddMaterial Array("NAME:mysteel_1009", "CoordinateSystemType:=", _
- "Cartesian", Array("NAME:AttachedData"), Array("NAME:ModifierData"), Array("NAME:permeability", "property_type:=", _
- "nonlinear", "BType:=", "normal", "HUnit:=", "A_per_meter", "BUnit:=", "tesla", Array("NAME:BHCoordinates", Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 0, "Y:=", 0), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", 159.2, "Y:=", 0.2402), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 318.3, "Y:=", 0.8654), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", 477.5, "Y:=", 1.1106), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 636.6, "Y:=", 1.2458), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", 795.8, "Y:=", 1.331), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 1591.5, "Y:=", 1.5), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", 3183.1, "Y:=", 1.6), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 4774.6, "Y:=", 1.683), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", 6366.2, "Y:=", 1.741), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 7957.7, "Y:=", 1.78), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", 15915.5, "Y:=", 1.905), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 31831, "Y:=", 2.025), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", 47746.5, "Y:=", 2.085), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 63662, "Y:=", 2.13), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", 79577.5, "Y:=", 2.165), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 159155, "Y:=", 2.28), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", 318310, "Y:=", 2.485), Array("NAME:Coordinate", "X:=", _
- 397887, "Y:=", 2.5851))), "conductivity:=", "0", "magnetic_loss_tangent:=", "0", Array("NAME:magnetic_coercivity", "property_type:=", _
- "VectorProperty", "Magnitude:=", "0A_per_meter", "DirComp1:=", "1", "DirComp2:=", _
- "0", "DirComp3:=", "0"), "thermal_conductivity:=", "45", Array("NAME:core_loss_type", "property_type:=", _
- "ChoiceProperty", "Choice:=", "Electrical Steel"), "core_loss_kh:=", "190", "core_loss_kc:=", _
- "0.822", "core_loss_ke:=", "0", "core_loss_kdc:=", "0", "mass_density:=", "7872", Array("NAME:stacking_type", "property_type:=", _
- "ChoiceProperty", "Choice:=", "Lamination"), "stacking_factor:=", "0.96", Array("NAME:stacking_direction", "property_type:=", _
- "ChoiceProperty", "Choice:=", "V(3)"), "specific_heat:=", "481", "youngs_modulus:=", _
- "200000000000", "poissons_ratio:=", "0.25", "thermal_expansion_coeffcient:=", _
- "1.26e-005")
- oProject.Save
- '-------------------------------------------coil--------------------------------------------
- oEditor.CreateRectangle Array("NAME:RectangleParameters", "IsCovered:=", false, "XStart:=", _
- "7.4mm", "YStart:=", "1.4mm", "ZStart:=", "0mm", "Width:=", "-0.4mm", "Height:=", _
- "0.4mm", "WhichAxis:=", "Z"), Array("NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", "Rectangle1", "Flags:=", _
- "", "Color:=", "(143 175 143)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", _
- "Global", "UDMId:=", "", "MaterialValue:=", "" & Chr(34) & "mysteel_1009" & Chr(34) & "", "SolveInside:=", _
- true)
- oEditor.CoverLines Array("NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", "Rectangle1", "NewPartsModelFlag:=", _
- "Model")
- oEditor.DuplicateMirror Array("NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", "Rectangle1", "NewPartsModelFlag:=", _
- "Model"), Array("NAME:DuplicateToMirrorParameters", "DuplicateMirrorBaseX:=", "0mm", "DuplicateMirrorBaseY:=", _
- "0mm", "DuplicateMirrorBaseZ:=", "0mm", "DuplicateMirrorNormalX:=", "0mm", "DuplicateMirrorNormalY:=", _
- "1mm", "DuplicateMirrorNormalZ:=", "0mm"), Array("NAME:Options", "DuplicateAssignments:=", _
- false)
- oEditor.Renamepart Array("NAME:Rename Data","Old Name:=", "Rectangle1","New Name:=", "Rectanglem1")
- oEditor.Renamepart Array("NAME:Rename Data","Old Name:=", "Rectangle1_1","New Name:=", "Rectangles1")
- oDefinitionManager.AddMaterial Array("NAME:mycopper", "CoordinateSystemType:=", _
- "Cartesian", Array("NAME:AttachedData"), Array("NAME:ModifierData"), "permeability:=", _
- "0.999991", "conductivity:=", "58000000", "thermal_conductivity:=", "400", "mass_density:=", _
- "8933", "specific_heat:=", "385", "youngs_modulus:=", "120000000000", "poissons_ratio:=", _
- "0.38", "thermal_expansion_coeffcient:=", "1.77e-005")
- oEditor.ChangeProperty Array("NAME:AllTabs", Array("NAME:Geometry3DAttributeTab", Array("NAME:PropServers", _
- "Rectanglem1", "Rectangles1"), Array("NAME:ChangedProps", Array("NAME:Material", "Value:=", _
- "" & Chr(34) & "mycopper" & Chr(34) & ""))))
- oEditor.DuplicateAroundAxis Array("NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", _
- "Rectanglem1,Rectangles1", "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"), Array("NAME:DuplicateAroundAxisParameters", "CreateNewObjects:=", _
- true, "WhichAxis:=", "Z", "AngleStr:=", "360deg/sn", "NumClones:=", "sn"), Array("NAME:Options", "DuplicateAssignments:=", _
- false)
- '------------------------------------------windings--------------------------------------
- oDesign.ChangeProperty Array("NAME:AllTabs", Array("NAME:LocalVariableTab", Array("NAME:PropServers", _
- "LocalVariables"), Array("NAME:NewProps", Array("NAME:nocoils", "PropType:=", _
- "VariableProp", "UserDef:=", true, "Value:=", "60"))))'define coil numbers
- Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("BoundarySetup")
- loopsn=CInt(oDesign.GetVariableValue("sn"))
- for j=0 to (loopsn/3-1)
- oModule.AssignCoil Array("NAME:Ain_"&j+1, "Objects:=", Array( AinRectanglem1(j) ), "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "PolarityType:=", "Positive")
- oModule.AssignCoil Array("NAME:Aout_"&j+1, "Objects:=", Array( AoutRectangles1(j) ), "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "PolarityType:=", "Negative")
- oModule.AssignCoil Array("NAME:Bin_"&j+1, "Objects:=", Array( BinRectanglem1(j) ), "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "PolarityType:=", "Positive")
- oModule.AssignCoil Array("NAME:Bout_"&j+1, "Objects:=", Array( BoutRectangles1(j) ), "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "PolarityType:=", "Negative")
- oModule.AssignCoil Array("NAME:Cin_"&j+1, "Objects:=", Array( CinRectanglem1(j) ), "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "PolarityType:=", "Positive")
- oModule.AssignCoil Array("NAME:Cout_"&j+1, "Objects:=", Array( CoutRectangles1(j) ), "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "PolarityType:=", "Negative")
- Next
- oModule.AssignWindingGroup Array("NAME:Ayellow", "Type:=", "Current", "IsSolid:=", _
- false, "Current:=", "0mA", "Resistance:=", "0ohm", "Inductance:=", "0nH", "Voltage:=", _
- "0mV", "ParallelBranchesNum:=", "1")
- oModule.AssignWindingGroup Array("NAME:Bgreen", "Type:=", "Current", "IsSolid:=", _
- false, "Current:=", "0mA", "Resistance:=", "0ohm", "Inductance:=", "0nH", "Voltage:=", _
- "0mV", "ParallelBranchesNum:=", "1")
- oModule.AssignWindingGroup Array("NAME:Cblue", "Type:=", "Current", "IsSolid:=", _
- false, "Current:=", "0mA", "Resistance:=", "0ohm", "Inductance:=", "0nH", "Voltage:=", _
- "0mV", "ParallelBranchesNum:=", "1")
- oProject.Save
- '--------------------addcoilstowinding---------------------------------------------
- for j=0 to (loopsn/3-1)
- oModule.EditCoil Ain(j), Array("NAME:Ain_"&j+1, "ParentBndID:=", "Ayellow", "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "Winding:=", "Ayellow", "PolarityType:=", "Positive")
- oModule.EditCoil Aout(j), Array("NAME:Aout_"&j+1, "ParentBndID:=", "Ayellow", "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "Winding:=", "Ayellow", "PolarityType:=", "negative")
- oModule.EditCoil Bin(j), Array("NAME:Bin_"&j+1, "ParentBndID:=", "Bgreen", "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "Winding:=", "Bgreen", "PolarityType:=", "Positive")
- oModule.EditCoil Bout(j), Array("NAME:Bout_"&j+1, "ParentBndID:=", "Bgreen", "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "Winding:=", "Bgreen", "PolarityType:=", "negative")
- oModule.EditCoil Cin(j), Array("NAME:Cin_"&j+1, "ParentBndID:=", "Cblue", "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "Winding:=", "Cblue", "PolarityType:=", "Positive")
- oModule.EditCoil Cout(j), Array("NAME:Cout_"&j+1, "ParentBndID:=", "Cblue", "Conductor number:=", _
- "nocoils", "Winding:=", "Cblue", "PolarityType:=", "negative")
- Next
- '-------------------------------------------band and region---------------------------------
- oEditor.CreateCircle Array("NAME:CircleParameters", "IsCovered:=", false, "XCenter:=", _
- "0mm", "YCenter:=", "0mm", "ZCenter:=", "0mm", "Radius:=", "9.80mm", "WhichAxis:=", _
- "Z", "NumSegments:=", "0"), Array("NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", "Circle1", "Flags:=", _
- "", "Color:=", "(143 175 143)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", _
- "Global", "UDMId:=", "", "MaterialValue:=", "" & Chr(34) & "vacuum" & Chr(34) & "", "SolveInside:=", _
- true)
- oEditor.CreateCircle Array("NAME:CircleParameters", "IsCovered:=", false, "XCenter:=", _
- "0mm", "YCenter:=", "0mm", "ZCenter:=", "0mm", "Radius:=", "12.7mm", "WhichAxis:=", _
- "Z", "NumSegments:=", "0"), Array("NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", "Circle2", "Flags:=", _
- "", "Color:=", "(143 175 143)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", _
- "Global", "UDMId:=", "", "MaterialValue:=", "" & Chr(34) & "vacuum" & Chr(34) & "", "SolveInside:=", _
- true)
- oEditor.CreateCircle Array("NAME:CircleParameters", "IsCovered:=", false, "XCenter:=", _
- "0mm", "YCenter:=", "0mm", "ZCenter:=", "0mm", "Radius:=", "20mm", "WhichAxis:=", _
- "Z", "NumSegments:=", "0"), Array("NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", "Circle3", "Flags:=", _
- "", "Color:=", "(143 175 143)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", _
- "Global", "UDMId:=", "", "MaterialValue:=", "" & Chr(34) & "vacuum" & Chr(34) & "", "SolveInside:=", _
- true)
- oEditor.CoverLines Array("NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", "Circle1,Circle2,Circle3", "NewPartsModelFlag:=", _
- "Model")
- oEditor.Subtract Array("NAME:Selections", "Blank Parts:=", "Circle2", "Tool Parts:=", _
- "Circle1"), Array("NAME:SubtractParameters", "KeepOriginals:=", false)
- Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("BoundarySetup")
- edgeid =oEditor.GetEdgeByPosition(Array("NAME:EdgeParameters", "BodyName:=", "Circle3", "XPosition:=", "20mm", _
- "YPosition:=", "0mm", "ZPosition:=", "0mm"))
- oModule.AssignVectorPotential Array("NAME:VectorPotential1", "Edges:=",Array(edgeid) , "Value:=", _
- "0", "CoordinateSystem:=", "")
- Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("ModelSetup")
- oModule.AssignBand Array("NAME:Data", "Move Type:=", "Rotate", "Coordinate System:=", _
- "Global", "Axis:=", "Z", "Is Positive:=", true, "InitPos:=", "0deg", "HasRotateLimit:=", _
- false, "NonCylindrical:=", false, "Consider Mechanical Transient:=", false, "Angular Velocity:=", _
- "60rpm", "Objects:=", Array("Circle2"))
- Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("MeshSetup")
- '---------------------------------------mesh-------------------------------------------
- oModule.AssignLengthOp Array("NAME:Length1", "RefineInside:=", false, "Enabled:=", _
- true, "Objects:=", Array("Circle3"), "RestrictElem:=", false, "NumMaxElem:=", _
- "1000", "RestrictLength:=", true, "MaxLength:=", "0.5mm")
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