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- 1970-1-1
签到天数: 112 天 连续签到: 21 天 [LV.6]常住居民II
发表于 2016-2-10 20:27
来自: 中国浙江杭州
本帖最后由 zengxiaodong 于 2016-2-11 07:08 编辑
During the 1960s and 1970s, concerns about the environment triggered some research on EVs. However, despite advances in battery technology and power electronics, their range and performance were still obstacles.
The modern EV era culminated during the 1980s and early 1990s with the release of a few realistic vehicles by firms such as GM with the EV1 and Peugeot Société Anonyme (PSA) with the 106 Electric. Although these vehicles represented a real achievement, especially when compared with early realizations, it became clear during the early 1990s that electric automobiles could never compete with gasoline automobiles for range and performance. The reason is that in batteries the energy is stored in the metal of the electrodes, which weigh far more than gasoline for the same energy content. The automotive industry abandoned the EV to conduct research on hybrid electric vehicles. After a few years of development, these are far closer to the assembly line for mass production than EVs have ever been.
In the context of the development of EVs, it is the battery technology that is the weakest, blocking the way of EVs to the market. Great effort and investment have been put into battery research, with the intention of improving performance to meet the EV requirement. Unfortunately, progress has been very limited. Performance is far behind the requirement, especially energy storage capacity per unit weight and volume. This poor energy storage capability of batteries limits EVs to only some specific applications, such as at airports, railroad stations, mail delivery routes, golf courses, and so on. In fact, basic study12 shows that the EV will never be able to challenge the liquid fueled vehicle even with the optimistic value of battery energy capacity. Thus, in recent years, advanced vehicle technology research has turned to HEVs as well as fuel cell vehicles. |
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