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签到天数: 20 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.4]偶尔看看III
发表于 2019-2-28 17:48
来自: 中国内蒙古包头
An error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated
Caused by:
Simulink cannot solve the algebraic loop containing 'MTPAC/Fcn1' at time 0.12355000000000001 using the TrustRegion-based algorithm due to one of the following reasons: the model is ill-defined i.e., the system equations do not have a solution; or the nonlinear equation solver failed to converge due to numerical issues.
To rule out solver convergence as the cause of this error, either
a) switch to LineSearch-based algorithm using
b) reducing the ode23tb solver RelTol parameter so that the solver takes smaller time steps.
If the error persists in spite of the above changes, then the model is likely ill-defined and requires modification. |