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[OPERA] OPERA近几年版本发布日期



发表于 2013-12-5 10:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海


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顺便欢迎即将上任的张博士作为OPERA版主。quench scala高手{:soso_e179:}
7.0 March 1997
7.03 January 1999
7.1 September 1999
7.5 April 2000
8.0 March 2001
8.5 January 2002
8.7 September 2002
9.0 April 2003
10.0 March 2004
10.5 January 2005, 19-Sep-2005 Linux added
11.0 June 2006
12.0 October 2007 MS Windows: 32 bit and also 64 bit version
13.0 August 2009 Licensing with LM-X introduced
14.0 December 2010
14R1 July 2011
15.0 November 2011
15R1 March 2012
15R2 July 2012
15R3 November 2012
16.0 May 2013 VF License Management Suite 2
16R1 November 2013
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发表于 2015-8-16 12:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳
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Opera 18 R1 X64

New Features in Opera
Version 18R1
Opera 18R1
Version 18R1 is an intermediate release which also introduces some significant new features:
Thin Plates in Opera-3d Magnetostatics Solver
Prism meshing in rotating machine air gaps
Multithreading in Opera-3d Post-Processor
Major Features
Version 18R1 is an intermediate release which introduces some significant new features into Opera. These are the most important changes.
Thin Plates: in Opera-3d Magnetostatic solver.
Prism meshing in air gaps in Opera-3d Electromagnetic with Rotating Motion solver.
Direct Sparse Solver is now unlicensed in Opera-2d analysis programs.
The Simulink interface is now unlicensed on Windows systems but is no longer supported on Linux.
In Opera-3d Multiphysics analyses, SIBC losses from an Electromagnetic analysis can now be used as input to a Thermal analysis.
In the Opera-3d Modeller, meshed conductor cells are always named and set to use reduced potential.
The Opera-3d Modeller uses multiple processors during CAD import.
The Opera-3d Post-Processor can use multiple processors to speed up calculation of fields from conductors and field calculations by integration.
Minor Features
Here are some further changes to Opera introduce at version 18R1.
The Tabbed Menu Interface in Opera-2d PP, Opera-3d Modeller and Post-Processor can now be optionally displayed vertically on the left side of the window.
The Opera-3d Modeller now preserves material names with the geometry when importing CAD data.
The Opera-3d Modeller has new short cut keys: F5 for Refresh the View and F6 for Default display selection.
The Opera-3d Modeller has some improvements to the surface mesh generator to make it more robust and give a mesh closer to that requested.
The Opera-3d Post-Processor COPYCASE command has been added to the Tabbed Menu Interface and has been extended to create Charged Particle analyses to be continued with additional iterations and a changed convergence tolerance.
The Opera-3d Post-Processor now has variables holding the number of emitters and the names of the emitters in a Charged Particle analysis.
The Opera-3d Post-Processor now some displays faces selected by boundary condition as two-sided: electrical insulators, thermal contact and thin plates.
The Opera-3d Charged Particle solver now maintains a database of Langmuir-Fry emitters so that the V-I charactersitics do not need to be recalculated for the same emitter parameters.
The Opera-3d Harmonic solvers can now have functional properties (materials or boundary condition values) which depend on the solution FREQUENCY.
In the Winding Tool, the first winding of phase 1 now always starts in slot 1.
New BH curves have been added to the library supplied with Opera. The new data comes from Magnequench for a range of their magnets at various temperatures. Demagnetization data is included.
In the Opera Manager, the option for Automatic Server Discovery has been withdrawn.
The Opera License Management Suite has been updated to use latest LM-X license server.
New analyses are available in the 3d machines environment
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