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[分享] Magnet 7.4.1



发表于 2012-12-11 13:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国广东广州


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发表于 2012-12-12 11:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 加拿大
本帖最后由 panda8866 于 2012-12-12 11:55 编辑

MagNet 7.4.1


The following products are being released:
MagNet 7.4.1
System Model Generator 2.2.3
Modified the look and functionality of the commutator in the circuit window.
Made support and guideline modifications to the System Model Generator.

More detailed information is provided in the sections below:
Application Extensions
MagNet tips
Known issues


Updated the tooltip for NegativeVoltageLimit and PositiveVoltageLimit on the Coil parameter page.
Added new parameter CoilComponentIsStranded:
When set to Yes, specifies that even if the component is part of a solid coil, it will be treated as a stranded coil by the solver.


Changed the commutator symbol in the circuit window to facilitate the circuit definition for complicated brushed motors.
On the "Create Commutator" dialog, added new controls to specify the number of brushes for the commutator.
When inserting a commutator, based on the specified "number of sectors" and the "number of brushes" on the "Create Commutator" dialog, a new "linear" type of the circuit symbol is created, where sectors are drawn as rectangular blocks concatenated horizontally. The brushes are drawn as rectangular blocks below the sector blocks.
Changed the toolbar button icon for commutator.
Removed the NumberOfBrushes parameter from the "Commutator" parameter page. In its new configuration in the "Create Commutator" dialog, this parameter must be specified, in addition to the NumberOfSectors parameter, when creating a commutator. Once the commutator is created, both parameters (i.e. NumberOfBrushes and NumberOfSectors) cannot be updated from the user interface.


Updated the scripting API insertCommutator(). It now takes an extra parameter (the last parameter) for the number of brushes. If this parameter is specified in the API call, then the new "linear" commutator symbol will be inserted in the circuit window, where the given insertion location specifies the position of the terminal port for sector 1. For backward compatibility, if this parameter is not specified, then the old "circular" commutator symbol will be inserted in the circuit window, where the given insertion location specifies the position of the terminal port for brush terminal port 1.


System Model Generator
Supports fractional number of turns in coils.
Validates that no voltage driven coils are contained in the MagNet model.


Before building a model, it is recommended that you set your preferred units of length, time, and frequency in the Units page of the Properties dialog box. These settings will be reflected in all areas that require units of:

length (e.g.,Keyboard Input bar),
time (e.g., SetTransient Options dialog), and
frequency (e.g., Set Solver Options dialog).
Note: If you make changes to the unit settings in any of these areas, MagNet converts any output to reflect those set in the Units page.

When creating user-defined parameters, multiple values in the Expression column results in multiple problem IDs. In some cases, these multiple problem IDs may be the product of incorrectly deleting or modifying a parameter. For more information, please refer to the online help.
Save often.
Make sure you have sufficient disk space to run your problems, especially if you are using parameterization. Please refer to the Installation chapter of the Getting Started Guide for more information on disk space requirements.
MagNet may leave temporary folders (named dev* or ban*) in your designated "Temp" directory if the program fails or if you see the following error message:
"An internal thread has occurred in the program. The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for"

It is recommended that you periodically remove these folders from the Temp directory to clear up disk space.

Note: Do not remove any dev* or ban* folders while MagNet is running.


1.Unable to select a component's face from both the Object Page (in the Project Bar) and the Model View.
---Make the component invisible and then visible again. Selecting a face should now be possible.

2.A component swept in an arc in a 3D model should not have an edge on the axis of rotation when using the extrusion mesher.
---Leave a small hole at the axis but do not sweep 360 degrees. If 360 degrees is needed, use symmetry modelling.

3. If components are swept 360 degrees and there is a hole at the axis, then the model cannot contain any coils surrounding the hole: the solver cannot handle this situation.
---If symmetry permits, sweep less than 360 degrees. (see previous item)

4.The Cut and Paste items from the Edit menu don't work in grids. The menu items are disabled when clicking in a grid cell.
---Use the following shortcut keys:

CTRL+X = cut

Ctrl+C = copy

Ctrl+V = paste

Note: This addresses the problem of pasting into the B-H non-linear data grid for materials.

5.The Make Simple Coil command is disabled when a surface is selected to make a coil. For example, this may happen when creating a coil from the Plate component of the Bath plate tutorial.
---Delete the component and re-create it.

6.When a vertex is distorted using the Keyboard Input bar, the coordinates entered to select the vertex may select a vertex that is behind (or in front of) the intended vertex.
---Rotate the model so that the intended vertex does not visually overlap another vertex.

7.Start and end surfaces of components cannot be assigned a periodic boundary condition. Only side surfaces of components can be assigned a periodic boundary condition. For the 2D solver, and the 3D solver (when meshing with extrusion).The 2D Time-harmonic solver will fail if a component with a conducting material uses the "Use Surface Impedance Approximation" option.
----Do not use the surface impedance approximation option in 2D models.

8.The default boundary condition is not applied to the surface of components that use surface impedance approximation and lie on the outer boundary.
---Manually apply the correct boundary condition to the surfaces adjoining the outer boundary.

9.Do not begin a file name with a number if it will be imported.
If an object in the Object page is made invisible, the object cannot be deleted.
---Make the object visible, then delete it.

10.Solving with adaption fails because the mesh is too large.
---Start with a coarse mesh before solving with adaption (especially P-adaption) because the size of the mesh increases rapidly during refinement. You may even need to decrease the fineness of the initial mesh by increasing the maximum element size for the entire model in the General Model property page.

11.If you try to model a 2D rotational problem by rotating the model around an axis, and then try to solve the problem with a 3D solver (with the Extrusion mesher) MagNet will not be able to handle the degenerate elements that are created on the axis.
---Use a different direction for sweeping (for example, sweep in the axial direction), or use the Solid Model mesher.



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发表于 2012-12-13 20:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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