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[分享] [cedrat faqs]memory setting



发表于 2011-12-9 19:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国陕西西安


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What should my settings be for 2D and 3D memory in the Flux Supervisor?

There are several settings for memory in the Flux Supervisor : Menu Tools → Options →  Memory.

Numerical memory is used by Flux to manage the database of entities, such as points, lines, regions, etc.
It is also used to mesh the model and for solving.

Character memory is used to store the names and comments of entities such as parameters, transformations, mesh points, etc.

JAVA memory is used only in the Geometry and Physics application to display and move the geometry and graphics.

For 2D, settings of 400 MB for Numerical, 10 MB for Character, and 200 MB for JAVA memory are sufficient for most projects.

For 3D, you may go up to 1000 MB for dynamic Numerical memory. For complex geometries, you should increase the JAVA memory setting.

In order to process applications requiring more memory, you have to use 3GB or 64-bit modes.
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