comsol 代码
本帖最后由 sunhonglie 于 2009-6-30 16:42 编辑小弟初学这个软件,论文中出现了一些代码,可是我不知道怎么用,哪位高手给指点一下
论文里写这里定义了几何形状,网格,边界条件和常数,然后保存为m-file,可是我应该怎么做才能得到这些代码?(论文里用的是femlab 2.3)
From the recorded command sequence we get
Gamma{1,1} = -2*ux;
Gamma{1,2} = -(uy+vx);
Gamma{2,1} = -(vx+uy);
Gamma{2,2} = -2*vy;
Gamma{3,1} = 0;
Gamma{3,2} = 0;
F(1) = -(u*ux+v*uy+px);
F(2) = -(u*vx+v*vy+py);
F(3) = -(ux+vy);
Change the form of Gamma to match the model described
Gamma{1,1} = -2*ux+p;
Gamma{1,2} = -(uy+vx);
Gamma{2,1} = -(vx+uy);
Gamma{2,2} = -2*vy+p;
Gamma{3,1} = 0;
Gamma{3,2} = 0;
Change the form of F to match the model described
F(1) = -Re*(u*ux+v*uy) + alpha(x,y)*u;
F(2) = -Re*(u*vx+v*vy) + alpha(x,y)*v;
F(3) = ( ux+vy);
IterErrEst Damping Stepsize nfun njac nfac nbsu
1 0.098 1.0000000 68 2 1 1 2
2 4.1e-0081.0000000 0.0048 3 2 2 4
3 1.3e-0151.0000000 2.9e-008 4 3 3 6