Fan Load Type
How to setup in motion setup Fan Load type loading of the motor?Fan load to be proportional to speed^2 直接写成函数,Speed就是软件内建的一个转速变量。 I know you can choose in RMxprt for three phase Induction motor, but when exported in Maxwell 2D environment how to setup a function for the load? click motion setup,look the last menu,select consider machanical,then fill in the load as Speed*speed*a,replace ‘a’ with value,
回答个问题还得打开百度翻译,这世道。。。。。。。。。。。。。2017.04.1205 well, two possible solutions may come to this problem
1.Applying Rmxprt to analysisand when it comes to the analysis setup ,you can choose the fan laod to solve this problem
2.Applying transition analysis, considering mechanical load adn then in the input load, input function just like -k*speed*speed
Either one can be fine, enjory.