天源博通 发表于 2013-11-21 17:46


The Flux applications (Preflu2D and Flux3D)are "driven" by the PyFlux (Python for Flux) programming language.Asyou open Flux to create a geometry, a log of the Python instructions is createdautomatically in the working directory.This file contains the command languageversions of all the commands executed in Flux.In the event the programterminates, you can re-open the Flux program and run the Python file. This willrepeat everything done in the last session.The following are the steps torecover your project utilizing the Python file:

1Navigate to the directory that you wereworking in. Copy the file named Preflu2D_log.py (2D application) orFlux3D_log.py (3Dapplication) to another file name (keep the .py extension).
Note: You may want to open this new .py filewith a text editor and delete the last 1 or 2 commands (presuming that theprogram may have terminated due to some incorrect action). If necessarydelete "saveProjectAs(.....)" commands or change the name of thesaved project.

2Open Preflu2D or Flux3D through the FluxSupervisor.

3Select Project --> Command file --> Execute in direct mode…
In the window that opens, navigate to thedirectory you are working in and select the Python file you named in step 1.Click on Open.
The Flux program will now run the Pythonscript and get you back to where you left off.
Note: You can also run the Python file inbatch mode. It allows faster execution without graphic refreshment.

Note: You canwrite your own Python files to automate Flux or to create "macros".

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查看完整版本: flux问答之11怎样恢复意外终止的FLUX程序?