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发表于 2011-11-1 21:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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各位大侠,大家好:现在小弟遇到了一个难题,我经过了一个星期的琢磨,还是没有头绪。但是现在我有三种方案,但是其中有两种计算的结果是对的,但是有一种方案明显是错误的。希望大家多多帮助。我把这三种方案的计算和设计都传上来给大家看看,希望 大家多多指教。这三种方案分别为ZD701、ZD702、ZD703,但是现在有一个问题,就是701的计算方法不是正确的,701的不同点为我把电机的定子改为了2路并联,这种情况本来就是不正确的,明显的定子绕组为1路的,702就是把他设置为1路时计算的。大那是计算的结果却是701的计算结果更加接近与实际试验情况。这是不知道是什么原因呀?703方案中我把电刷的位置偏移了几度就没有问题了。现在我就纳闷了,这到底是什么问题呢?为什么要偏移电刷的位置呢?要是不偏移电刷为的话电机就可以省下一些铜了,这样做有什么好处吗?希望各位大侠多多帮助?谢谢各位了!第三个方案中我把电刷移了1.8度就可以了,这样做有什么样的好处吗?希望各位大侠多多帮助。谢谢了!
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签到天数: 247 天

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-1 21:32 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 19:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-2 22:29 | 显示全部楼层
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签到天数: 247 天

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-3 20:11 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4# zhangyb9453

                      File: Setup1.res


Machine Type:        Motor
Rated Output Power (kW):        7
Rated Voltage (V):        72
Number of Poles:        4
Given Rated Speed (rpm):        2200
Frictional Loss (W):        0
Windage Loss (W):        0
Type of Load:        Constant Power
Operating Temperature (C):        80


Outer Diameter of Rotor (mm):          148
Inner Diameter of Rotor (mm):          50
Number of Rotor Slots:        63

Type of Rotor Slot:        3
Rotor Slot       
            hs0 (mm):          1
            hs1 (mm):          1
            hs2 (mm):          10
            bs0 (mm):          2.7
            bs1 (mm):          2.8
            bs2 (mm):          2.8
            rs (mm):          0.5

Top Tooth Width (mm):          4.38006
Bottom Tooth Width (mm):          3.38314
Skew Width (Number of Slots):        0

Lamination Sectors:        1
Length of Rotor Core (mm):          155
Stacking Factor of Rotor Core:        0.9
Type of Steel:        M19_24G
Press Board Thickness (mm):          1.5
Magnetic Press Board:        No
Magnetic Shaft:        No

Vent Type:        Axial Hole
Number of Holes per Row:        0
Number of Banding Slots:        0


Type of Armature Winding:        Wave
Number of Virtual Slots per Slot:        1
Number of Conductors per Slot:        2
Multiplex Number:        1
Coil Pitch (Virtual Slots):        14
Number of Wires per Conductor:        1
Wire Diameter (mm):          3.53
Wire Wrap Thickness (mm):          0
Number of Parallel Branches:        2

Wedge Thickness (mm):          5.65
Slot Liner Thickness (mm):          0.5
End Clearance (mm):          3
End Length Adjustment (mm):          30
Layer Insulation (mm):          0.5

Coil Half-Turn Length (mm):          426.615
Slot Area (mm^2):        34.7427
Net Slot Area (mm^2):        5.5373
Limited Slot Fill Factor (%):        75
Slot Fill Factor (%):        450.071
**** Warning - Result is Unfeasable ****


Frame Outer Diameter (mm):          260
Frame Overall Width (mm):          260
Frame Thickness (mm):          36
Frame Length (mm):          250
Frame Material:        steel_1008

Pole Length (mm):          155
Pole Stacking Factor:        0.9
Pole Material:        DW360_50
Pole Press Board Thickness (mm):          0
Magnetic Press Board:        No

Pole Type:        2
Main Pole Dimensions
            Gmin (mm):          0.5
            Gmax (mm):          0.5
            Bp0 (mm):          80
            Bp1 (mm):          80
            Rp0 (mm):          1
            Rp1 (mm):          1.5
            Hp (mm):          5
            Bm (mm):          60

Geometric Pole Embrace:        0.721638
Computed Pole Embrace:        0.743148


Pole Insulation (mm):          0
Shoe Insulation (mm):          0
Overall Width (mm):          0
Overall Heigh (mm):          0
Winding Clearance (mm):          5
Winding Insulation (mm):          0
Series Winding Width Ratio:        0.5

Series Winding Type:        Round Wire
Series Branches:        1
Series Turns per Pole:        5
Series Wires per Conductor:        10
Series Wire Diameter (mm):        1.8
Series Wire Wrap (mm):        0
Series Coil Half-Turn Length (mm):        233.304
Series Fillet (mm):        5

Series Maximum Width (mm):        13.23
Series Maximum Height (mm):        15.12
Series Minimum Width (mm):        11.34
Series Minimum Height (mm):        13.23

Series Winding Arrangement:       
    Series maximum layers:        7
    Series minimum layers:        6
    Series maximum turns per layer:        8
    Series minimum turns per layer:        7

Maximum number of turns per pole is:        5


Type of Commutator:        Cylinder
Commutator Diameter (mm):          130
Commutator Length (mm):          40
Commutator Insulation (mm):          0.8

Brush Width (mm):          20
Brush Length (mm):          31
Number of Brush Pairs:        2
Brush Displacement:        1.8
Brush Drop (V)        2
Press per Unit Area  (g/mm^2):        2
Frictional Coefficient:        0.25
Fan Outer Diameter (mm):          180
Fan Blade Width (mm):          15


Copper Wire Density (kg/m^3):          8900
Armature Core Steel Density (kg/m^3):          7650
Stator Pole Steel Density (kg/m^3):          7650
Stator Frame Steel Density (kg/m^3):          7872
Commutating Pole Steel Density (kg/m^3):          0

Armature Copper Weight (kg):          4.21242
Shunt Copper Weight (kg):          0
Series Copper Weight (kg):          2.11352
Compensating Copper Weight (kg):          0
Commutating Copper Weight (kg):          0
Armature Core Steel Weight (kg):          13.9278
Stator Pole Steel Weight (kg):          5.65528
Stator Frame Steel Weight (kg):          49.8569
Commutating Pole Steel Weight (kg):          0
Total Net Weight (kg):          75.7659

Armature Core Steel Consumption (kg):          24.3327
Stator Pole Steel Consumption (kg):          12.7252


Armature Winding Resistance (ohm):        0.0336527
Armature Winding Resistance at 20C (ohm):        0.0272427
Armature Leakage Inductance (H):        7.54889e-005
Armature Self Inductance (H):        0.0013127
Rotating Voltage Coefficient Gaa (H):        -0.000174398

Series Winding Resistance (ohm):        0.00808641
Series Winding Resistance at 20C (ohm):        0.00654614
Series Leakage Inductance (H):        0.000165133
Series Self Inductance (H):        0.00277628
Mutual Inductance Mas (H):        -0.000182446
Rotating Voltage Coefficient Gas (H):        0.0026127


Air-Gap Flux Density Bg0 (Tesla):        0.127147
Rotor-Teeth Flux Density Bt0 (Tesla):        0.271799
Rotor-Yoke Flux Density Bc0 (Tesla):        0.167483
Stator-Pole Flux Density Bm0 (Tesla):        0.20636
Stator-Yoke Flux Density By0 (Tesla):        0.0958331

Air-Gap Ampere Turns ATg0 (A.T):        65.6372
Rotor-Teeth Ampere Turns ATt0 (A.T):        0.458478
Rotor-Yoke Ampere Turns ATc0 (A.T):        0.924809
Stator-Pole Ampere Turns ATm0 (A.T):        0.643844
Stator-Yoke Ampere Turns ATy0 (A.T):        4.64046
Total Ampere Turns AT0 (A.T):        72.3048

Correction Factor for Magnetic
  Circuit Length of Rotor Yoke:        0.81959
Correction Factor for Magnetic
  Circuit Length of Stator Yoke:        0.829477
No-Load Saturation Factor:        1.10158
No-Load Leakage-Flux Factor:        1.00807

No-Load Input Current (A):        29.1527
No-Load Input Power (W):        2098.99
No-Load Speed (rpm):        9558.16

No-Load Mechanical Loss (W):        1970.58
No-Load Core Loss (W):        24.6064
Other Losses at No-Load (W):        103.805


Rated Armature Current (A):        111.951
Rated Input Power (W):        8060.5
Rated Output Power (W):        7000
Efficiency (%):        86.8432
Rated Speed (rpm):        2319.01
Rated Torque (N.m):        28.8249

Armature Copper Loss (W):        421.773
Series Winding Copper Loss (W):        101.348
Brush Voltage Drop Loss (W):        223.903
Mechanical Loss (W):        225.817
Core Loss (W):        51.0923
Additional Loss (W):        36.5674
Total Loss (W):        1060.5

Armature Thermal Load (A^2/mm^3):        96.4324
Specific Electric Loading (A/mm):        15.1691
Armature Current Density (A/mm^2):        6.35718
Series Winding Current Density (A/mm^2):        4.39941


Locked-Rotor Torque (N.m):        1041.31
Locked-Rotor Current (A):        1677.08

Maximum Output Power (W):        29111
Speed with Max. Output (rpm):        620.3


For Armature Winding:
  Number of Turns:        63
  Parallel Branches:        2
  Terminal Resistance (ohm):        0.0336527
  End Leakage Inductance (H):        4.30681e-005
For One Armature Coil:
  Number of Turns:        1
  Parallel Branches:        1
  Terminal Resistance (ohm):        0.00213668
  End Leakage Inductance (H):        2.73448e-006
For Series Field Winding:
  Number of Turns:        20
  Parallel Branches:        1
  Terminal Resistance (ohm):        0.00808641
  End Leakage Inductance (H):        3.87942e-005
2D Equivalent Value:
  Equivalent Model Depth (mm):          155
  Equivalent Rotor Stacking Factor:        0.9
  Equivalent Pole Stacking Factor:        0.9
  Equivalent Frame Stacking Factor:        1.6129
Mechanical Data:
  Estimated Rotor Inertia (kg m^2):        0.0569473
  Rated Speed (rad/s):        242.846
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发表于 2011-11-3 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-3 21:18 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-5 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
回复 7# zhangyb9453
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发表于 2019-5-20 14:58 | 显示全部楼层
我的maxwell RM 怎么没有励磁绕组参数设定:励磁线径、匝数等呢?
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发表于 2019-5-20 15:04 | 显示全部楼层

eries Winding Type:        Round Wire
Series Branches:        1
Series Turns per Pole:        5
Series Wires per Conductor:        10
Series Wire Diameter (mm):        1.8
Series Wire Wrap (mm):        0
Series Coil Half-Turn Length (mm):        233.304
Series Fillet (mm):        5

Series Maximum Width (mm):        13.23
Series Maximum Height (mm):        15.12
Series Minimum Width (mm):        11.34
Series Minimum Height (mm):        13.23

Series Winding Arrangement:        
    Series maximum layers:        7
    Series minimum layers:        6
    Series maximum turns per layer:        8
    Series minimum turns per layer:        7
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