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- 1970-1-1
签到天数: 3 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.2]偶尔看看I
发表于 2015-4-22 10:07
来自: 中国广东惠州
File: Setup1.res
Rated Apparent Power (kVA): 125000
Rated Power Factor: 0.8
Rated Voltage (V): 13800
Winding Connection: Wye
Load Type: Infinite Bus
Number of Poles: 2
Frequency (Hz): 50
Rated Speed (rpm): 3000
Operating Temperature (C): 80
Frictional Loss (W): 152552
Windage Loss (W): 363364
Exciter Efficiency (%): 90
Exciting Current (A): 0
Number of Stator Slots: 36
Outer Diameter of Stator (mm): 2350
Inner Diameter of Stator (mm): 1140
Type of Stator Slot: 6
Stator Slot
hs0 (mm): 3
hs1 (mm): 14
hs2 (mm): 141
bs1 (mm): 50
bs2 (mm): 36
Top Tooth Width (mm): 63.445
Bottom Tooth Width (mm): 90.9862
Number of Sectors per Lamination: 12
Skew Width (slots): 0
Length of Stator Core (mm): 3590
Stacking Factor of Stator Core: 0.97
Type of Steel: DW540_50
End Length Adjustment (mm): 10
End-Coil Clearance (mm): 0.5
Number of Parallel Branches: 1
Number of Layers: 2
Winding Type: Whole Coiled
Coil Pitch: 14
Coil Half-Turn Length (mm): 5396.15
Number of Conductors per Slot: 2
Number of Wires per Conductor: 48
Limited Wires per Coil Side: 48
in width direction 2
in thickness direction 24
Wire Width (mm): 11.8
Wire Thickness (mm): 2.36
Wire Wrap Thickness (mm): 0.5
Wire Direction in Slot: Horizontal
Coil Wrap (mm): 0
Coil Width (mm): 24.6
Coil Height (mm): 68.64
Bottom Insulation (mm): 0
Wedge Thickness (mm): 2
Slot Liner Thickness (mm): 0.25
Layer Insulation (mm): 0.5
Slot Area (mm^2): 5786
Slot Fill Factor (%): 68.071
Stator Winding Factor: 0.89848
Air Gap (mm): 70
Outer Diameter (mm): 1000
Inner Diameter (mm): 365
Length of Rotor (mm): 3590
Stacking Factor of Iron Core: 0.97
Type of Steel: DW540_50
Press board thickness (mm): 0
Magnetic press board Yes
Number of Indexing Slots: 42
Number of Real Slots: 28
Type of Rotor Slot: 6
Rotor Slot
hs0 (mm): 2.5
hs1 (mm): 38.5
hs2 (mm): 103
bs1 (mm): 52
bs2 (mm): 38
Rotor Top Tooth Width (mm): 36.7824
Rotor Bottom Tooth Width (mm): 15.2601
Magnetic Shaft: Yes
End Length Adjustment (mm): 80
End-Coil Clearance (mm): 10
Number of Parallel Branches: 1
Min Coil Pitch: 8
Coil Half-Turn Length (mm): 4930.11
Number of Conductors per Slot: 12
Number of Wires per Conductor: 2
Limited Wires per Coil Side: 27
in width direction 1
in thickness direction 27
Wire Width (mm): 36
Wire Thickness (mm): 3.15
Wire Wrap Thickness (mm): 0.5
Wire Direction in Slot: Horizontal
Coil Wrap (mm): 0.5
Coil Width (mm): 37.5
Coil Height (mm): 99.55
Bottom Insulation (mm): 0
Wedge Thickness (mm): 38.5
Slot Liner Thickness (mm): 0.25
Layer Insulation (mm): 0
Slot Area (mm^2): 5741.5
Slot Fill Factor (%): 86.5185
Field Winding Factor: 0.815887
Short-Circuit Ratio: 0.615864
Electrical Pole Embrace: 0.655636
Air-Gap Flux Total Harmonic
Distortion at No-Load (%): 4.35418
Phase-Voltage Total Harmonic
Distortion at No-Load (%): 0.554169
Line-Voltage Total Harmonic
Distortion at No-Load (%): 0.336216
Copper Wire Density (kg/m^3): 8900
Armature Core Steel Density (kg/m^3): 7750
Rotor Core Steel Density (kg/m^3): 7750
Armature Copper Weight (kg): 4586.51
Field Copper Weight (kg): 3332.35
Armature Core Steel Weight (kg): 83887.9
Rotor Core Steel Weight (kg): 14033.7
Stator Net Weight (kg): 88474.4
Rotor Net Weight (kg): 17366.1
Armature Core Steel Consumption (kg): 94559.4
Rotor Core Steel Consumption (kg): 27150
Armature Resistance R1 (ohm): 0.00232981
Armature Resistance at 20C (ohm): 0.00188604
Armature Leakage Reactance X1 (ohm): 0.0783806
D-Axis Reactive Reactance Xad (ohm): 2.40598
Q-Axis Reactive Reactance Xaq (ohm): 2.39567
D-Axis Reactance X1+Xad (ohm): 2.48437
Q-Axis Reactance X1+Xaq (ohm): 2.47405
Field Winding Resistance Rf (ohm): 0.161599
Field Winding Resistance at 20C (ohm): 0.130819
Armature Resistance per Unit: 0.00152932
Armature Leakage Reactance per Unit: 0.05145
D-Axis Reactive Reactance per Unit: 1.57932
Q-Axis Reactive Reactance per Unit: 1.57255
D-Axis Reactance per Unit: 1.63077
Q-Axis Reactance per Unit: 1.63077
Field Winding Resistance per Unit: 0.000981086
Base Voltage (V): 7967.21
Base Current (A): 5229.77
Base Impedance (ohm): 1.52343
Stator-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla): 1.11022
Stator-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 1.05879
Rotor-Top-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla): 0.964317
Rotot-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla): 1.19832
Rotor-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 1.32825
Air-Gap Flux Density (Tesla): 0.802315
Stator-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T): 25.9846
Stator-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 112.297
Rotor-Top-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T): 9.24697
Rotot-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T): 14.509
Rotor-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 45.1602
Air-Gap Ampere Turns (A.T): 46253.3
Total Ampere Turn Drop (A.T): 46460.5
Saturation Factor: 1.00448
D-Axis Armature Reaction (A.T): 0
Q-Axis Armature Reaction (A.T): 0
Exciting Ampere Turns (A.T): 46460.5
Exciting Current (A): 553.102
Correction Factor for Magnetic
Circuit Length of Stator Yoke: 0.5
Correction Factor for Magnetic
Circuit Length of Roor Yoke: 0.5
Cogging Torque (N.m): 160.098
Stator-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla): 1.14678
Stator-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 1.09366
Rotor-Top-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla): 0.996075
Rotot-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla): 1.23777
Rotor-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 1.37199
Air-Gap Flux Density (Tesla): 0.828738
Stator-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T): 28.0613
Stator-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 119.071
Rotor-Top-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T): 9.70274
Rotot-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T): 16.5184
Rotor-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 55.8928
Air-Gap Ampere Turns (A.T): 47776.7
Total Ampere Turn Drop (A.T): 48005.9
Saturation Factor: 1.0048
D-Axis Armature Reaction (A.T): 68719.8
Q-Axis Armature Reaction (A.T): 24666.7
Exciting Ampere Turns (A.T): 109904
Exciting Current (A): 1308.38
Exciting Current at Rated
Short-Circuit Current (A): 898.09
Exciting Current with PF=0 (A): 1451.51
Power Factor Angle (degree): 36.9527
Power Angle (degree): 33.2235
Induced Voltage per Unit: 2.36094
Phase Voltage (V): 7967.21
Phase Current (A): 5229.77
Armature Thermal Load (A^2/mm^3): 414.541
Specific Electric Loading (A/mm): 105.138
Armature Current Density (A/mm^2): 3.94282
Exciting Current Density (A/mm^2): 5.78854
Copper Loss (W): 501444
Armature Copper Loss (W): 176650
Armature Excess Copper Loss (W): 14514
Field Copper Loss (W): 279252
Exciter Loss (W): 31028
Iron-Core Loss (W): 268802
Stator-Teeth Core Loss (W): 43584.5
Stator-Yoke Core Loss (W): 223715
Stator Surface Excess Loss (W): 435.614
Rotor Surface Excess Loss (W): 1067.1
Load Excess Core Loss (W): 291838
Stator Surface by Spread Harmonics (W): 71242.8
Stator Surface by Teeth Harmonics (W): 77898.3
Stator Pulsation by Teeth Harmonics (W): 108519
Rotor Surface by Spread Harmonics (W): 8316.26
Rotor Surface by Teeth Harmonics (W): 721.369
Magnetic Accessories by Load Current (W): 25140.2
Mechanical Loss (W): 515916
Friction Loss (W): 152552
Windage Loss (W): 363364
Total Loss (kW): 1578
Input Power (kW): 101470
Output Power (kW): 99891.5
Efficiency (%): 98.4449
Shaft Torque (N.m): 322987
Apparent Power (kVA): 125000
Power Factor: 0.799132
Note: All parameters are referred to the armature side.
Field Winding Resistance (ohm): 0.00149462
Field Leakage Reactance (ohm): 0.131719
D-axis Transient Reactance (ohm): 0.203263
Negative-Sequence Reactance (ohm): 0.375663
Zero-Sequence Reactance (ohm): 0.0783806
Field Winding Resistance per Unit: 0.000981086
Field Leakage Reactance per Unit: 0.0864622
D-axis Transient Reactance per Unit: 0.133424
Negative-Sequence Reactance per Unit: 0.246589
Zero-Sequence Reactance per Unit: 0.05145
Field Winding Time Constant
with Open-Circuit Armature (s): 5.40456
D-axis Transient Time Constant (s): 0.442185
Armature Time Constant (s): 0.513248
For Armature Winding:
Number of Turns: 12
Parallel Branches: 1
Terminal Resistance (ohm): 0.00232981
End Leakage Inductance (H): 7.4395e-005
For Field Winding:
Number of Turns: 168
Parallel Branches: 1
Terminal Resistance (ohm): 0.161599
End Leakage Inductance (H): 0.0101164
2D Equivalent Value:
Equivalent Model Depth (mm): 3730
Equivalent Stator Stacking Factor: 0.933592
Equivalent Rotor Stacking Factor: 0.933592
Estimated Rotor Inertia (kg m^2): 2749.09