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The Bright Side Of Being Multi-lingual



发表于 2012-6-28 19:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国福建福州


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as a software developer or an owner of a web site serving a large international audience, you should be primarily concerned with the availability of your most important information in a number of target languages.  ease of comprehension and focus on local markets are among the key components of a successful product, be it a desktop application,www.buysupraonline.net, a hosted solution or a regular web site. you would probably agree that few things can be more frustrating for a potential client than a broken or void link instead of a link to an alternative language.  people seek a variety of alternatives, and you are the one who is responsible for equipping your software according to your customers' desires and preferences. obviously, the second staple advantage of having your product translated into a number of languages is the size of the potential market and the scope of opportunities you secure on it. while english is commonly accepted as a standard means of international communications,new produts, lots of consumers prefer localized versions of software. therefore, if you are planning to enter the european market divided among a plethora of languages, you should plan ahead and include multi-language abilities into the functional scope of your solution. nowadays, non english-speaking users of the global network comprise a steadily growing fraction possessing great consumer potential for companies that prioritize global outreach and diversify their online presence. however,starting a home business using the internet, software localization or translation of web sites is often overlooked and not taken seriously by companies that focus on the functional part of the product only. this is an approach that deprives the company from a significant number of potential clients, which would otherwise have become interested in details and, possibly, purchased the product.  the best option for improving this situation is to resort to the services of professional localization agencies. they have the experience necessary for proper interpretation of the most intricate details and aspects of your product with special focus on the peculiarities of it-related texts and terms in a specific language. tight cooperation with your translation agency in the beginning of the localization process and provision of detailed information about your product will ensure that the interface of your solution will be crystal-clear for consumers and will leave no room for ambiguous interpretation. while choosing an agency for your localization project, make sure the company is not a translation bureau of a general profile,the hippie fashion statement, but a company specializing in software localization and technical translations. this will ensure that there will be a bare minimum of time spent on consulting procedures, which will save your time and,review of motorola razr 2 v8, therefore money. needless to say that the number of translation inadequacies will be manifold lower if the project is handled by a company that positions itself primarily as a software localization service provider.living in today's world is impossible without being able to communicate your ideas to people from all over the world. international business is no exception ?c the more adequate and fast your response to your customers' needs is, the more your company will prosper. multiculturalism,supra kids, attention to linguistic details and respect for your customer's desire to use their native language in your product are vital for a success on the global market. teach your products speak the same language your customers speak, and they will talk business with you!
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