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Telling You About Warsaw By Hotelcompany.



发表于 2012-6-28 19:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国福建福州


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warsaw is the capital of poland and in this country warsaw is the biggest city 370 kilomiters from the baltic sea. in warsaw there live almost 2 million people. warsaw is near to the vistula river and it is about 100 meters above sea level. the climate of warsaw is continental humid what means the winters are not very cold and the summers not very hot but that there is still a lot of rain every year. warsaw is founded in the late 9th begin 20th century. around 1570 this gave its name to a confederation and this was the beginning of the religious freedom in poland. and therefore warsaw became the center of national wealth of poland. later on in history poland was conquered by russia. the polish army reconquered poland in 1864 and this city became the capital of poland in 1918. since world war ii the theatre square became the cultural  hotspot of warsaw with several theatres. like the national theatre and the reduta theatre. if you are in warsaw you really need to see these theatres it will be a great trip in your holiday i promess. i have been there and i haven't forgot anything about both of these theatres. warsaw has 30 theatres total throughout the city. because of this warsaw attracts many artists and direcectors and that results in a bigger culture. there are numerous musical venues in warsaw what has resulted in many big hits in the world. and warsaw also has some nice festivals like the warsaw summer jazz days,supra skytop,outside lighting for more splendour and safety., festival of old music,ray ban frames, vocal competition and many more. i went to the jazz jamboree with a couple of friends and had some drinks,natalie imbruglia - glorious the singles 1997-2007, it was really cool and i think it is really nice to be become one of the inhabitants of warsaw go up in the crowd and see some non tourist things like this festival. the music was great and also the ambience was very nice. i hope if i have the time that i can visit some of the other festivals too. but enough said about music,buy ray ban,networking with vista, lets go on with telling you some about the museums and art galleries. there are many museums in warsaw the biggest tourist attraction is the muzeum narodowe and the museum of the polish army.  there are really many things to see and whatever you like i am sure if you go there you will see things you can appreciate. if you like shopping warsaw is the right place and if you like culture or clubbing warsaw is also the right place to go to. i really had i blast when i was there and it will be a trip i will never forget. i hope you (the reader) like my little article about warsaw. what i would like is if you go to warsaw that you right an article of the things you have seen and done. i think the people who read this great article directory can also appreciate the article that is written by you and i will be the first to read your article.
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