Problem with comsol 3.4 with matlab 2007b
please give me a solution.... 是的,我也有同样问题,打不开 转载一下,可以解决,我已经试过了This problem has been reported by some users of COMSOL 3.4 with MATLAB 2007b on Windows. MATLAB 2007a and earlier versions are not affected by this problem.
The problem seems to be related to 32-bit MATLAB on a dual core (or more) Windows machines.
The solution is to change how MATLAB's Java Heap size is set. When COMSOL starts with MATLAB the maximum size of the Java heap is set to 256 MB. We need to disable this and use the default Java Heap size instead. The maximum size of the Java heap can be given by providing a line in a file java.opts in the directory where MATLAB is started.
The workaround is as follows:
Try to start COMSOL with MATLAB once. It will fail but a file java.opts will be written to the COMSOL3.4 installation directory.
Open the java.opts file, remove the line -Xmx256m and save the file.
Open the file comsol.opts in the bin directory under your COMSOL installation and change the line
This will ensure that a new java.opts file is not written automatically every time you start COMSOL with MATLAB and your manually edited comsol.opts will always be used.
When you use "Connect to MATLAB" from the File menu in COMSOL Multiphysics it will look for a java.opts file in your home directory. This means that you should copy the edited java.opts file to the home directory as well. This will be something like
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>