lijo 发表于 2011-10-28 01:22

Flux 10.4 patch2 only installation files

本帖最后由 lijo 于 2011-10-28 01:25 编辑

Here is the Patch two of Flux 10.4
h t t p : / / w w w

owenql 发表于 2011-10-28 08:28

I want to know the details about this patch, such as how to use it.

tjin 发表于 2011-10-28 09:43

回复 1# lijo

   thanks, do you have a brief introduction of this update?

FEA1 发表于 2011-11-6 03:14

what are the new updates?

tztcl001 发表于 2012-1-2 07:54

thanks, do you have a brief introduction of this update?

lijo 发表于 2012-1-24 03:29

Dragon!! give us more
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