test1_sim (C:/Ansoft/Ansoft_Files/simplorer_9.0/project/)
Compiler completed successfully. (10:06:20 上午九月 22, 2011)
Analyzing... (10:06:20 上午九月 22, 2011)
Error - FEA1: ????????????????? >> Initialize(10:18:30 上午九月 22, 2011)
Error 11557 - Error encountered in the Simulate function of user model.Model: FEA1.MAXWELL<FEA_LINK>>> Initialize(10:18:30 上午九月 22, 2011)
Error 13431 - Fatal error encountered while updating models.Model: FEA1.MAXWELL<FEA_LINK>>> Initialize(10:18:31 上午九月 22, 2011)
Error - Error while updating model values and states.>> Initialize(10:18:31 上午九月 22, 2011)
Error 10523 - Error encountered while initializing the simulators.>> Initialize(10:18:31 上午九月 22, 2011)
Error 10533 - Error encountered during INIT.>> Initialize(10:18:31 上午九月 22, 2011)
Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:18:31 上午九月 22, 2011)
test1_sim (C:/Ansoft/Ansoft_Files/Maxwell_13/Project/)
Maxwell2DDesign2 (Transient, about Z)
Maxwell2d solver, process solver2d error: Exit code 1001 fromchild process 'tdslink.exe'. (10:18:30 上午九月 22, 2011)
Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:18:30 上午九月 22, 2011)
请教高手是什么原因? you could try this suggestion from another forum
"I just noticed that if you uncheck the chekbox:
Simplorer Circuits->Design Settings->Simulation Options->Enable symbol animation, output property display update
the simulator is so far working ok - 10-20 times in a row it didi not crash...but lets see if this proves to work - it is still too early..." 遇到同样问题,求解 请问楼主解决了嘛??跪求啊!!!