Dear XXX,
Here are a few more comments on windings. I shall refer to the
Figures in the scan I sent the other day.
We didn't really do anything on practical windings in the lectures. The example I showed
was the simplest I could use to explain how 3-phase rotating fields are produced.
Whole- and half-coil windings work equally well in producing magnetic poles. The thing to
focus on is the conductors in the slot. Fig 4-12a shows a 6-pole winding. Assume each
coil has N-turns. Then each slot will have N-conductors. The end connections turn the
slot conductors into a half-coil arrangement. Current flows clockwise round each coil (in
this example).
Fig 4-12b again shows a 6-pole winding, but this time it is whole coiled. If each coil
has N/2 turns, the winding would be equivalent to 4-12a because each slot will contain
N-conductors. (In each slot the coil sides would usually be one above the other to form a
2-layer arrangement.) The end connectors turn the slot conductors into the whole-coil
arrangement. Current flows clockwise in alternate coils and anticlockwise in the coils in
Single concentrated coils, like those shown in 4-12, are hardly ever used. The mmf
waveform would be too much like a square wave. In the case of salient poles (4-11) the
air-gap would be shaped to produce an mmf distribution nearer to that of a space
sinusoid. Another common way of improving waveshape is to use more slots and coils - as
in 4-14. This Fig shows one of the most common ways of laying out one phase of a
multi-phase winding.
Hope the above helps. 全英文啊, 回复 2# finite
对这个问题感兴趣的话,也可以参照forlink版主的博客里的解释。但是觉得那里的表述还是显得复杂,对于我来说还是喜欢我提供的这种比较直白的解释 虽然是英文的。 回复 3# jeffwjz
刚开始学习maxwell,多谢楼主提供资料 学习了 谢了~ 深深的感谢楼主。 好资料,对此问题有更深入的理解啦。 谢谢楼主!! 好资料,对此问题有更深入的理解啦。 感谢LZ分享我一直对这个问题缠夹不清 感谢分享!!!!! 感谢楼主分享啊
多谢楼主,,,, 高手就是高手。。。。。 感谢分享!!!!!~~ 有空翻翻论坛老帖子总是会有惊喜....
多谢楼主 全英文的!新手感觉好贵!{:1_553:} 正在考虑这个问题,感谢!已对Winding type有所了解