最后的武士 发表于 2011-8-1 22:11


The initial position is defined in reference to the smallest coordinate of the geometric description of the moveable part and is expressed in meters.

In order to prevent the moveable part from moving outside the study domain, the user can define mechanical stops (MIN_AND_MAX_STOP). Mechanical stops are defined in reference to the smallest coordinate of the geometric description of the moveable part.

请问这2个怎么理解,主要是针对TranslatingMotion3D教程中“在case2运动耦合分析中,设置运动范围Mechanical stops从0.006至-0.3863E-3之间,但是在建模的时候,设置两个运动件之间的距离为AEN为0.001mm.我想知道,实际上运动件的初始位置离固定件之间的距离是多大,是0.006还是(0.006+0.001),运动结束后,两都之间的距离0.3863E-3还是(0.001-0.3863E-3),是建模的时候之间的距离还有效吗?”这个问题的疑问

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