本帖最后由 wshf 于 2011-7-1 17:07 编辑使用的破解文件是论坛上的,
不知道是什么原因,还望大虾们指教{:1_494:} 我刚在另一台电脑上安装了下,没有这样的问题,看来是系统的缘故了,郁闷哦 There is no 64bit version of legacy Flux at all, if you run Flux
at 64bit mode,the legacy solver and post are still 32bit exe file 回复 3# lijo
Thank you lijo!
But the two computers'system are both x64bit,why? How to solve this question? 本帖最后由 lijo 于 2011-7-2 06:10 编辑
Ask to dnawujun, send a private message.
And I find it very interesting to study the FLUX10.4 'settings'
on that 64-bit computer where the dnawujun crax worxs. I also found that the circuit module has never worked (got the same error mesage as wshf indicated) with any of the x64 computers I tested it on. dear wshf, have you managed to solve this issue?
lijo was suggesting you to contact dnawujun (why dnawujun lijo, is he the fixer of 10.4?). I have fixed it .
I have fixed it .
Do you have FLux_9.2.2 ?