Set the ramp time to a greater value, so that the rotor can catch-up with the rotatingstator flux. The ramp time needs to be adjusted while running the motor under a loaded condition.
Setting the initial torque demand value lower than the required value will stop the motor while ramping beyond a certain speed. In such a case, increase the torque demand value. Setting the torque demand higher than the required value results in a stepped rotation of the motor. In such a case, reduce the torque demand value. Setting a very high torque demand value might damage the board. 没人会翻译吗 本帖最后由 hitbuyi 于 2011-5-20 09:20 编辑
Set the ramp time to a greater value, so that the rotor can catch-up with the rotating
stator flux. The ramp time needs to be adjusted while running the motor under a loaded condition.
设置斜坡函数的时间大一点, 使转子能够跟上旋转的定子磁通量。在电机带负载情况下,斜坡函数的时间需要做适当调节。
Setting the initial torque demand value lower than the required value will stop the motor while ramping beyond a certain speed. In such a case, increase the torque demand value. Setting the torque demand higher than the required value results in a stepped rotation of the motor. In such a case, reduce the torque demand value. Setting a very high torque demand value might damage the board.
在斜坡加速过程中,超过一定的速度值后,如果设置的初始转矩给定值小于需要的转矩值, 电机将停止, 在这种情况下,需要增加初始转矩给定值。 如果设置的初始转矩给定值大于需要的转矩值,则会导致电机以步进跳跃的方式旋转, 在这种情况下,需要减少初始转矩给定值。设置过高的初始转矩值可能倒损坏电路板。 网上找到官方的翻译了.
你的句子摘自Microchip的应用笔记 AN1078 Tuning Procedure ReadMe Page 10,它对应的中文文档是
<<AN1078 调整指南>>, 对应句子的中文翻译是<<AN1078 调整指南>>的Page10
定值设置得很高可能会损坏电路板。 官方的翻译到底比我的地道一点,呵呵,看来还得多学习 谢谢。。你这个官方的翻译在哪里下载的呢?我没找到啊。能否给个链接呢? 回复 6# libinhaier
去Microchip的网站上找 还是么有找到,只是找到了1078的中文档,没有找到调试指南的。。。能否给找个链接呢。谢谢 我发上来吧
最近也在学习microchip的文档啊 回复 10# boldlotus