本帖最后由 flux_softwave 于 2011-4-24 20:03 编辑Flux – Providing Meaningful Experimentation in an Efficient Way
CEDRAT announces the release of Flux version 10.4. Flux tools are Finite Element Method (FEM) based software developed by Cedrat of Grenoble, France. Flux simulates physical data for electromagnetic and electromechanical phenomena allowing users to run laboratory experiments and then collect the response data for their ideas. Users can prototype virtually on their PC computers saving time and money with each idea.
Flux applications now contain a unified and scriptable interface. This scripting capability which is called PyFlux is a combination of both java and python, and allows users to control any aspect of the modeling process from start to finish. Microsoft Excel for instance can be used to configure the details of a model, control a set of chosen inputs and then record the outputs of each experiment. The solution results can then be graphed automatically in Excel or in Flux depending upon the desired result.
Flux V10.4 contains several improvements in data processing, allowing for dramatic reductions in computation time. One area of improvement pertains to the pre-processing of the data and the formation of the solution matrix. The second area of improvement pertains to parallel computing. Flux now allows a user to select the number of the cores that it will use for the simulation; users can choose from one core to the maximum available on the given computer.
This release of Flux V10.4 now allows 2D, 3D and Skew applications to be directly coupled for time transient simulation control with MATLAB/ Simulink. Flux is the only FEM software to provide this versatile coupling between the device behavior and the drives and controls. This capability allows for more effective overall idea validation as it considers the device as if it truly was in operation.
Several devices with thin walls or plates are better suited to be modeled by shell elements instead of volume elements. These elements can have material properties and physics phenomena distributed within according to the appropriate response. Flux has historically pioneered bringing this sort of technology to the user, and Flux V10.4 is no exception. Certain applications within Flux V10.4 now allow for the shell elements to be directly connected to an external circuit.
Perhaps the most exciting advances in Flux V10.4 come when considering the post-processing of a solution. Flux now contains the following new capabilities :
[*]Local Error Maps to review the effectiveness of a chosen mesh distribution[*]Import of 2D Curves to directly compare solutions with measured data or other solutions[*]Unit control to convert solution data into a more preferred unit of measure[*]When using symmetry, the geometry can be re-constructed to show the full-scale model[*]Solutions can be shown in a variety of 3D Curves with adjustable legend values[*]Animations can be created when displaying a series of desired results[*]Reports can be automatically generated which reflect the full modeling process testies...
What applications do not support the 'new' Flux3D solver?
Is there a new DocExamples_Flux10.4 Download version? no,not yet 有中文的吗,请发个来看看,谢谢 dear flux_software,you published a post indicating that the circuit efitor was not working in 10.4, x64 installations. Have you managed to solve this because without the circuit editor 10.4 is of no use? I found a pill that fixes the circuit editor in 10.4. thanks to wen. will publish the links tomorrow if somebody is interested My experience installing Flux confirms that the problem with the circuit editor in 10.4 sometimes occurs on some PC-machines.
Share, how can it solve this problem I've never had it working in none of the 4 PCs I've tried... until I had this fix. Here are the links. Doesn't seem to work with 10.4.2 though (works just for 10.4.1)
h t t p://hotfile.com/dl/114842976/afef01d/Fix_Cedrat_Flux_10.4.rar.html
psw: w w w.sonsivri.com
P.S. delete the spaces in the http and www sections of the link and psw. simol wouldn't allow me to publish the message otherwise Thanks, I will try this pill dear owennnn, I am a Maxwell guy, played for a while with Jmag as well. I am not into electrical motors. What do you think, is flux better than any of the above when not dealing with motors? If yes would you recommend some links for tutorials andexamples (3D preferably). Thanks in advance.