Please note that as stated in the Documentation Center under
Output characteristics
Inductance: Coupling effects,
if it is desired to obtain separately the self-inductances (i.e. excluding any mutual effect) and the mutual inductances of a set of coils, then the materials must all be linear. This is because the inductances in this case will depend on the specific combination of the excitations' amplitudes, making it impossible to distinguish between self and mutual inductances.
Note that this is not a MagNet limitation but rather a physical one 了解了。感谢perch88. 下一封邮件:
Please note that in a nonlinear context, the incremental inductance matrix could be approximately calculated, as discussed in the Documentation Center under
Output characteristics
Inductance: Inductance matrix calculation - Incremental inductance
Note that the Inductance Matrix form, mentioned in the next section, calculates the absolute inductance matrix. It would have to be modified in order to provide the incremental inductance matrix.
Incremental inductance
The incremental inductance matrix can be obtained at a specific operation point (I1,...In,B0) as follows:
1. solve model at operation point (I1,....In,B0) to obtain fluxes(flux1,...fluxn) in each coil
2. For j=1 to n
solve model at perturbed operation point(I1,...Ij+deltaI1...In,B0) to obtain pertubed fluxed(flux1,...fluxn)
For i=1 to n
calculate Iij=(fluxpi-fluxi)/deltaI
Next i
Next j
The current perbation deltaI could be such that the fluxes are perturbed slightly, yet sufficiently to ensure good accuracy. Usually, a 5% flux change is adequate.