RG_RPRG_MT_1 -> Unknow type for COND_MA
本帖最后由 tjin 于 2010-11-10 19:57 编辑做二维同步电机的瞬态模拟,有外电路,最后check physics时出现如下的警告:
RG_RPRG_MT_1 -> Unknow type for COND_MAS
RG_RPRG_MT_1 -> Failed
PHYS_RCARG2_1 -> Failed
PHYS_RCARG1_3 -> Failed
FMCPHYS_2 -> Failed
FMCTRA_2 -> Error while writing FLUX2D physics
Exporting of FLUX2D abortedF
W2ECR_1 -> Error while writing FLUX2D file
GP3ENR_2 -> No recording of .TRA file has been made.
有哪位高手能提供帮助,这是什么原因造成的? 是你的Face regions至少一个,设置有错误,请仔细再检查下.