andysong 发表于 2010-11-4 22:35

求教 ansoft12永磁同步发电机从路下导入到场下时出现错误

*Global - Messages
Script macro error: Script Error (Code 80070203) in file:E:/lianxi/RMxprt/pmsg/pmsg-1.mxwlresults/pmsg-1.results/DV6_SOL1_V60.MExportData/Maxwl2D.vbs Description: User Defined Primitive: Not enough space for WidthMag.Line(537):"oEditor.CreateUserDefinedPart Array("NAME:UserDefinedPrimitiveParameters", _"
pmsg-1 (E:/lianxi/RMxprt/pmsg/)
pmsg-1 (Adjust-Speed Synchronous Machine)
    Normal completion of simulation on server: Local Machine. (9:48 下午十一月 04, 2010)
    Nothing to solve for Setup1. Enable or clean up solution to force a new simulation. (9:55 下午十一月 04, 2010)

happyleaf 发表于 2010-11-5 08:14


cgz1127 发表于 2011-1-28 18:05

哪里设置错了永磁同步电机   infiniti bus   和独立发电机的区别是上面应该选哪个

pengjianping 发表于 2011-3-9 10:42


xmtxnh 发表于 2019-4-2 13:07

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查看完整版本: 求教 ansoft12永磁同步发电机从路下导入到场下时出现错误