初来乍到,共享一本电子书Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics
rt,谢谢大家支持part I
这是第一部分part II
这是第二部分。。。。。 能不能大致介绍一下,谢谢!!part III & IV
第三部分和第四部分, done! PRACTICAL VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES AND POWER ELECTRONICSPractical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics
Malcolm Barnes, CPEng, BSc(ElecEng), MSEE, Automated Control Systems, Perth, Australia
Typical practical applications of VSDs in process control and materials handling, such as those for pumping, ventilation, conveyers, compressors and hoists are covered in detail.
Professional engineers and technicians: electrical power engineering, control engineering (including process and materials handling applications); advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students; control and instrumentation engineers; industrial system integrators; electrical, mechanical and chemical engineers and technicians wishing to understand the essentials of variable speed drives and power electronics.
Introduction to Variable Speed Drives for Industrial Applications; 3-Phase AC Induction Motors; Power Electronic Converters; Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC); Protection of AC Converters and Motors; Control Systems for AC Variable Speed Drives; The Selection of AC Converters for Variable Speed Drive Applications; Installation and Commissioning of AC Variable Speed Drives; Special Topics and New Developments; Appendix A: Motor Protection - Direct Temperature Sensing; Appendix B: Current Measurement Transducers; Appendix C: Speed Measurement Transducers; Appendix D: International and National Standards; Appendix E: Glossary of Common Terms used with AC Drives; Bibliography : Recommended Additional Reading. 请将帖子整理为一帖 haha ,好东西啊,我要到 好东西,多谢楼主. 好东西,多谢楼主 这本书也和不错哦 谢谢楼主与我们分享资源 好东西,多谢楼主 不错不错,有钱了一定要下载下来:victory: 的确是好文章啊,支持 不错的资料, 学习一下! 谢谢楼主分享! 好书,顶上。 好书就要顶下,外国人写的就是不一样 感谢分享了,楼主好人啊 下载ing,再次感谢