在求解时发生了: elementNO 53235 abnormalTHE SOLVE abruption是怎么回事?为什么只是某个单元有问题导致求解到一半就跳出没法生成求解文件呢?
再次求解还是同样的提示,但element 的NO好变了,问题一样,还是跳出。
本人新手,请各位大虾指点一下 *** Element abnormal ***
This error appears when the mesh has elements of very poor quality. To continue, you
must correct the mesh. *** Element abnormal ***
This error appears when the mesh has elements of very poor quality. To con ...
soy546 发表于 2010-4-28 08:48 http://bbs.simol.cn/images/common/back.gif
嗯,应该是网格划分的问题。 *** Element abnormal ***
This error appears when the mesh has elements of very poor quality. To continue, you
must correct the mesh.
如果是上面提示的话,可能要设置,mesh中large,small的值了。不知道这么说对不对。 可能有一些网格质量不佳,每次求解的时候碰到不同的不良网格而终止,所以出现楼主所述情况。