CEDRAT is pleased to announce the release of Flux 10.3.3 version.Discover last Flux 10.3.3 improvements here
Enhancements brought by the patch:
Compatibility with 2009 version of SPEED
Offering last BMP Motor Overlays
A tool 100% dedicated to motor specialists
Portunus 4.1 Mechatronic System Simulator
- Design at once your device with its control and drive
- Integrate your Flux models to the system level with advanced Flux co-simulation (available for 2D and 3D)
- Take all benefits of our analogue and mixed signals simulator, and much more thanks to VHDL-AMS and Spice language support
More information on Portunus here, discover our free demo version 2 months FREE !
Full demo version
A multi OS version
Flux V 10.3 also brings for the first time:
a Linux version running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Edition 5.3, 32 and 64 bits.
a Windows 7 64 bits certified version
Flux speed improvement
Benefit from reduced computation time on 32 bits machines using Flux v.10.3 leading to a tremendous acceleration of the solving process when comparing to v10.2.
Examples demonstrated at last Flux User Conference:
- 75% on a typical 3D magnetostatic case
- 80% on a 3D transient analysis
This new computing capability enables Flux to run more Skew geometries than ever
Flux new tutorial
Discover our last tutorial "Brushless motor with embedded magnets" included in the documentation file to download
Some bugs corrections, resulting in a version of better quality.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to Flux v10.3.1 users to install this patch! 楼主什么地方可以下载啊? 只有等看姚版主能不能放出来玩玩 a waiting ... ANYone has a link to this new patch_3 of Flux 10.3 ?
Flux 10.3.3
http://www.cedrat.com/en/software-solutions/flux/what-s-new.html#c4551 本帖最后由 lijo 于 2010-6-19 04:40 编辑
to enjoy everything works perfectly
PD: jaewoo.com/flash/automesh.wmv Unfortunately, these links do not work 本帖最后由 lijo 于 2010-6-25 04:19 编辑
for my work perfectly and also for anybody
THINKplease it's free
有下载地址吗 本帖最后由 pat 于 2010-6-27 14:19 编辑
the official download is ok, but the korea website doesn't support dowload,
and the crack for 10.3 is ok to 10.3.3, really wonderful!!!! 期待姚斑竹的好消息 w w w.jaewoo.com/download/patch_3_WinFlux10.3.exe
下载地址 我下载看看10.3好不好用,刚装了个9.3,不好用,愁人 回复 6# lijo
已经升级为10.3.3了,感谢lijo! pj的10.3版本能用10.3.3的升级包吗? 好像是下不了. cedrat
呵呵,这个网址可以下载。 可以下载,学习用用 xiexielouzhule 哪里有下载啊?