dream-ttt 发表于 2010-2-11 11:05


Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
User: dream-ttt
Time: 2010-2-11 11:03am
Script: /forumdisplay.php
SQL: SELECT fid, tid, author, authorid, subject, highlight FROM threads WHERE fid='31' AND displayorder>='0' ORDER BY replies DESC LIMIT 0, 12
Error: Error writing file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\MY39356' (Errcode: 28)
Errno.: 3
Similar error report has been dispatched to administrator before.
到 ****搜索此错误的解决方案

qaz8792271 发表于 2010-2-16 19:22

给你带来的不便 对不起!问题已经解决!

补充内容 (2015-4-29 11:12):

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查看完整版本: 今天进入“综合资料发布区”出现错误