txzhjq 发表于 2010-1-2 19:24



xingkong 发表于 2010-1-3 10:56


LaoMu 发表于 2010-1-7 09:59

View Animations on a PC Using the ANIMATE program.

The ANIMATE program allows you to view ANSYS animation files on a PC regardless of whether the files were created on a PC (AVI files), or on a UNIX workstation (ANIM files). The program is truly standalone. You can run it without ANSYS even being installed. Also, its small 250kB file size makes it easy to transport as an e-mail attachment, if required.

If you create and view AVI animation files on a PC, the ANIMATE program will provide you with better frame speed and window size control than if you use the Windows Media Player. For ANIM files created on UNIX workstations, you not only can view the files directly on a PC using the ANIMATE program, but you can also convert an ANIM file to an AVI file. This provides a substantial reduction in file size -- ideal for producing downloadable animation files for the web. Also, when using the ANIMATE program to view 3-D model animations saved as ANIM files, you can pan, zoom, or rotate the model (using the mouse buttons) while the animation is in progress.

The following procedure will allow you to exercise some of the features of the ANIMATE program. To perform the procedure, you must be using a PC and have an AVI or ANIM animation file stored locally on your Windows file system.

If you created an animation in ANSYS, you can save the animation to a file and assign it any name from the Utility Menu, PlotCtrls, Animate, Save Animation, then assign a file name. Any animation file saved this way can be used in the ANIMATE program.

For ANIM files in a UNIX file system, you must transfer the ANIM files to the Windows file system using the FTP protocol, SAMBA, or some other file system transfer utility. Another requirement for using the ANIMATE program is that the ANIM file must have been created using pixmap animation as opposed to display list animation. On a UNIX workstation, you can set this in ANSYS from the Utility Menu by choosing PlotCtrls, Device Options, then checking Pixmaps for Animation mode in the dialog box.

After you have fulfilled the requirements stated above, exercise some of the features of the ANIMATE program as follows:

With the ANSYS CD in your CD drive, open a Windows file manager (e.g., Windows Explorer) and obtain a listing of file names in the root directory of the CD.

Start the file named Animate.exe.

Click on the Open file button.

From the file selection list, choose any AVI animation file, or an ANIM animation file created using the pixmap animation.

Display the Animation Controller by clicking on the Controller button.

Experiment with the various controls on the Animation Controller.

With the animation still running, experiment with different window sizes by clicking on the various window buttons located on the toolbar.

If you are viewing an AVI file, you have completed this procedure. Choose File > Exit to terminate the ANIMATE program. If you are viewing an ANIM file, continue with the remaining steps below.

Convert the ANIM file to an AVI file by choosing File > Save as then specifying a file name, and clicking on Save.

Terminate the ANIMATE program by choosing File > Exit.

From your Windows file manager, compare the size of the original ANIM file with the size of the AVI file you just converted. Note the substantial reduction in file size resulting from the conversion.

沙隆巴斯 发表于 2010-1-11 09:09


dannel2108 发表于 2010-1-22 01:21


shuliang 发表于 2010-1-22 09:22

回复 4# 沙隆巴斯


沙隆巴斯 发表于 2010-1-25 10:39


zengxiaodong 发表于 2020-2-9 14:09

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查看完整版本: 动画制作如何操作