Flux 10.3.2 patch
本帖最后由 lijo 于 2009-11-7 02:18 编辑ANYbody have this patch ?
Enhancements brought by the patch
New embedded circuit editor for which user interaction and connection algorithms have been improved.
Some bugs corrections, resulting in a version of better quality.
Linux version
Flux v.10.3.2 also brings for the first time a Flux Linux version, running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Edition 5.3, 32 and 64 bits.
With Linux, gain from a better memory management and increase solving speed !
We noticed an average speed increase of 15 to 20% with Linux equipped machines. CEDRAT just announced the release of Flux 10.3.2 patch at 05 November
So,I don't think anybody in this forum can get this patch now except flux_softwave{:aa13 Where download from Linux version flux 10.3.2 ? 呼唤姚工!!! 姚技术支持会给大家吗? 拭目以待 呵呵,非常感谢楼上各位对我的信任,这次的补丁包增加了不少功能,还增加了LInux版本,我已经把补丁包发给所有的正式客户,请大家呼唤他们出来,还有一部分会在上海微特电机展后很多客户来我们公司里给,所以大家先不要着急,再耐心等几天哦,因为这次总部明确了,只有购买服务和升级的客户才有哦,呵呵 Lijo,how do you have the new infomation about the new patch? can you offer them the the patch linkage? cedrat总部的网页上就有这消息啊,姚版不经常看cedrat的网页吗? 不会吧,只有购买服务和升级的客户才有
偷偷给也没人知道啊 希望已经收到补丁的正版客户发挥奉献精神,共享一下! 关注ing 新改进 现在最好的办法就是呼唤正式客户了。呼唤,呼唤,呼唤。。。 cedrat总部的网页上就有这消息啊,姚版不经常看cedrat的网页吗?
dnawujun 发表于 2009-11-13 14:09 http://bbs.simol.cn/images/common/back.gif
总部的网页,隔几天才去看看,一般总部有新的消息,都会邮件我们,所以有时去得不够及时,呵呵 cedrat总部的网页上就有这消息啊,姚版不经常看cedrat的网页吗?
dnawujun 发表于 2009-11-13 14:09 http://bbs.simol.cn/images/common/back.gif
我的意思是LIJO应该是总部的客户,他可以直接给出链接的哦,因为国外不许盗版,如果他不是正式客户,哪来的口令啊?所以可以从国外那里给出下载链接的。呵呵 我盼我盼...bq2_25
我望我望...bq2_25 本帖最后由 lijo 于 2009-11-18 04:20 编辑
flux_softwave 发表于 2009-11-17 16:15 http://bbs.simol.cn/images/common/back.gif
I only use the software for educational purposes,
non-commercial, non-profit.
All the software in the ftp.simol.cn ftp server is pirated.
You want exactly? 姚工好心人啊 All the software in the ftp.simol.cn ftp server is pirated.
You want exactly?
lijo 发表于 2009-11-18 04:27 http://bbs.simol.cn/images/common/back.gif
你什么意思啊,英语不好,麻烦解释一下,You want exactly? 是什么意思? excuse me, I'm confused too. I use google translator from chinese to english and sometime I do NOT understand some comments on how to get the software. At the University us have all the software licensed including upgrades.