win7 incompatible w/ portunus?
It is possible install Portunus in Windows 7 without compatibily mode?any have a full license.lic cracked or dll? hi,lijo,you can use Portunus in windows 7,just Right Click on the install file->property->compatibility,select the checkbox,select "windows xp (service pack 3)" in the list,click ok.Then run the install file.
本帖最后由 lijo 于 2009-11-6 02:30 编辑
Where is a working license ? I have only a DEMOne{:1_471:} Sorry,I have Demo License too,but my License is full featured,the limitation is only time
I send the request to Cedrat and Cedrat send me a email with a download link ,I downloaded Portunus from the link in the email 如果您没有按照上面那张图纸上显示的code1还是code2发送给总部的话,应该还是demo版本,总部在您发送了相关code后会给您一个正版的license