Flux 10.3
本帖最后由 lijo 于 2009-7-9 14:41 编辑Any body have this new Flux? No,I haven't. 可以自动剖分了? 再没自动剖分,我就要崩溃了 楼上是学什么的阿?为什么没有自动剖分就崩溃了阿?flux的手动剖分还是不错的 Improvements regarding the geometry import/export
The proposed news items are as follows:
• The import of the geometry can be carried out starting from files containing the mesh of MED format: Model of Data Exchange (extension *.MED).
• import of the surface and volume regions in NASTRAN
• the advanced import is available in 64 bit (new version ACIS (R19))
Automatic adjustment of automatic mesh
New capabilities for the adjustment of the automatic mesh are proposed for the automatic adjustment of the mesh density.
The manual process of creating and assigning the mesh points and mesh lines is replaced by an automatic adjustment process, which adapts the mesh density to the geometry and to its more or less complex curvatures
Two main algorithms are implemented: one algorithm of node relaxation on the lines (faces), which can be coupled to an algorithm of deflection. This results in the improvement of the mesh configuration permitting a very close adherence to the shape of the geometry.
The process of mesh adjustment is considerably simplified (automatic) and the mesh obtained is of very good quality.
The new process of automatic adjustment of the automatic mesh is presented in a more detailed manner under § 2 « Automatic mesh ».
PAGE 2 USER'S GUIDE 我们上周已经有了最新版本,不过目前只针对正式客户发布,希望各位D版用户各显神通,去跟他们要阿,呵呵,等有机会会把软件上传到西莫ftp上面 这个版本支持多cpu运算么? 别的软件都能自动剖分吧 虽然FluxV10.3也加入了自动剖分功能,正如其他软件一样,但是我认为自动剖分功能在剖分时只是考虑几何模型,并没有根据实际的物理意义进行剖分。虽然选择高的剖分密度可以得到好的剖分质量,但是整个模型都被加密了,这样就自然地增加了剖分节点数,计算时间也就相应加长了。所以这是自动剖分的一个弱点,其他软件的自动剖分,我认为也是它的一个弊端。在一些案例中,例如电磁阀,displacement区域需要剖分成四面体网格,所以用手动剖分得到的结果会更加准确。但自动剖分对简单模型来说,还是很有好处的,它省去了麻烦的剖分设置过程。所以Flux在追求结果精确的基础上添加了自动剖分功能,在一定程度上也方便了我们的使用。我先顶一下。 感觉flux需要手动剖分,所以几何模型搞得很复杂,对于比较简单的模型,自动剖分还是很不错的。flux上手比其他软件要复杂。 请问谁有这个软件的视频教程,我还不怎么会用,想学习一下,大家谁有能分享一下不? 一般都是自己手动剖分 恩,软件不错,就是找不到详细的算例啊 回复 14# fengxymail
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