用于siwave仿真的.anf实例(.anf exmple used to study under siwave)
本帖最后由 frogfrog 于 2009-6-11 22:51 编辑邮件附件压缩包解压后是一个PCB.anf文件,可以导入siwave,实现仿真,可供初学者学习之用。另外一个压缩包是一个siw的文件,希望对初学者有用。(为方便某些国外友人加个英文注释)
This attachment includes a pcb.inf,it could be decompressing files for study ansoftlinks or siwave beginner,it could be used to simulate under siwave 3.0。Another attachment includes .siw file for example to study in
siwave。I hope it useful for beginners。 frogfrog, you are faster than I thought!!...thank you a lot for this examples! Thanks you very much!!! I encorauge you to continue in that way!!! It' a pleasureto share them with you。I hope it useful for you。Thanks for replying。 感谢楼主 {:1_432:} 谢谢分享.................. THANKS! lZ 对不起,您的西莫币不足,无法进行本操作(小于 0 ),请返回。
{:1_426:} 希望能对我有所帮助才好 谢谢好心人! 现在不看权限得不得多了。真郁闷。可还得回帖,灌点水啊。明知道这样不对,还得承受道德的煎熬 xiexie kanakn kankan xiexie 希望有更多人響應~ 我還需要另一附檔來學習 kankan xiexie 太好了,谢谢!!! 最好给出压缩前的原文件名,否则无法确定是否已经拥有 Thank you af afaf f 感谢分享!