我刚接触电机,找到一篇英文文章,不知道到那个题目怎么翻译的NonlocalAction In The Induction Motor
帮忙翻译下谢谢了 感应电机中的非局部行为(作用) 一知不解。应该和全文来理解。 非局部行为(作用)到底是个什么概念?哪位大侠释一下惑? 我现在把整篇的文章发下那个题目大家替我翻译下我实在搞不清楚
Nonlocal Action In The Induction Motor
In 1959 Aharonov and Bohm pointed out that quantum mechanics depends critically on the magnetic vector potential. This potential is a nonlocal interaction parameter which first arose in F.E. Neumann’s 1845 action at a distance theory of electromagnetic induction. Aharonov and Bohm proposed a test to determine whether electrons traveling through a field-free region could be influenced by the local magnetic vector potential. Moellenstedt and Bayh performed this test in 1962 with positive results. Since then there has existed experimental proof that quantum mechanics involves nonlocal actions.
The Aharonov-Bohm effect and distant particle correlations have led to a re-examination of the meaning of field theory and nonlocality. For example, Bohm introduced the quantum potential. This potential provides a rigid connection between distant particles, so that the force experienced by one is also felt by the other. Field action and nonlocality have, in this way, assumed a variety of shades of meaning. Sometimes in the future the same kind of thinking may be transferred to the electrodynamics of metallic conductors.
Further confirmation of nonlocat actions on quantum particles (photons, electrons) was provided by Aspect and others. Their experiments were stimulated by Bell who established by logic and algebra that, if the distant correlations of quantum particles are a fact, they have to involve action at a distance.
In this paper it will be demonstrated that nonlocal actions are not confined to the microscopic quantum world, but play an equally important role in macroscopic electromagnetic apparatus. In particular it will be shown that everyone of millions of induction motors, in use throughout the world, proves the existence of nonlocal actions.
Electric generators and motors were invented in the nineteenth century when the prevailing electrodynamic theory was that of Coulomb, Ampere, Neumann, and Weber. It was a far-action theory modeled on Newton's universal gravitation. Ever since Maxwell's field theory displaced the old electrodynamics, about one hundred years ago, it has been tacitly assumed--without proof--that local field contact action can explain the operation of electric motors just as well as the nonlocal electrodynamics.
Maxwell's local action theory was specifically developed to do away with action at a distance. In the first place, the field philosophy was based on the existence of an elastic ether anchored to material objects by Faraday's lines of force. Later Einstein proved conclusively that Maxwell's ether did not exist because, amongst other difficulties, it could not explain electromagnetic induction. Einstein replaced the ether with non-material and free electromagnetic energy which always traveled with the velocity of light and did possess non-material mass. Metal arrested the flight of incoming energy and by absorbing the energy-momentum, this matter was subject to the Lorentz force. Field-energy impact gave rise to propulsion forces, and energy emission from matter produced recoil forces. Energy and momentum transfer in the electromagnetic field were tied together neatly by the Poynting vector theory.
Poynting's energy transport equation required the simultaneous and coincident existence of both an electric and a magnetic field vector. When only the electric or the magnetic field was present, the energy seemed to be stationary and, therefore, could not exert momentum-generated forces on stationary matter.
Nevertheless, experiments supporting Coulomb's law indicated that stationary electrons do interact with each other. To overcome this difficulty, and at the same time preserve the principle of local action, quantum field theory was developed. In a branch of it, known as quantum electrodynamics, the Coulomb forces between electric charges were mediated by the flight of photons. To make the particle interaction possible, the electron was assumed to emit and absorb spontaneously a large number of virtual photons. They were called virtual photons because each of them existed for only a very brief time during which Heisenberg's uncertainty principle saved it from flagrant violation of energy conservation. In quantum electrodynamics two electrons obeyed Coulomb's inverse square law. The decrease in the force with distance was explained by a reduction in the number of photon-electron collisions. The important point of quantum electrodynamics was that local forces on matter were generated by field-energy momentum exchanges, just as in the Poynting vector theory of classical physics.
Let us now look at the induction motor, invented by Tesla, and as shown in the simplified diagram of Fig. 1. The motor consists of the stator S and the rotor R which are separated by an air gap AG. The bearings of the motor are not shown. No electric wire connection exists between the conductor bars of the stator and the rotor. Figure 1 ignores all details of the induction motor which are not required for proving nonlocal action. We consider the electrodynamics of creating the torque T on the rotor which furnishes the mechanical power output Pm.
The only way of setting up local action in the rotor R is by sending electromagnetic energy from the stator S across the air gap AG. This requires the availability of an electric power source Pe. While the energy finds itself in the gap, it has to comply with the Poynting vector energy flux. That is the energy has to travel with the velocity c of light and must involve electromagnetic mass flow of me (kg/s). The power in the air gap, which accounts for this energy flow, we will denote by Pa. The motor will be assumed to deliver a constant mechanical output power Pm. Pa must then also be constant in time.
Fig.1. Principle of the induction motor
The current which is induced in the rotor, by the flow of alternating current in the stator, will produce Joule (ohmic) heat in the rotor. Under steady state conditions, when the time-average of the stored field energy is constant, Poynting's theorem requires that all the energy striking the rotor conductors is absorbed and converted to heat. Apart from the mathematical formula, Poynting expressed this fact as follows:
"It seems that none of the energy of a current travels along the wire, but that it comes from the non-conducting medium surrounding the wire, that as soon as it enters it begins to be transformed into heat, the amount crossing successive layers of the wire decreasing till by the time the centre is reached, where there is no magnetic force, and therefore no energy passing, it has all been transformed into heat. A conduction current then may be said to consist of the inward flow of energy with its accompanying magnetic and electromotive forces, and the transformation of energy into heat within the conductor." 谁能够知道的发下我又点急用 刚查了一下,更确切的翻译是:感应电机的非局域作用理论 题目是:户外运行的异步电动机 7# forlink
谢谢你了 露天运行的异步电机
“看来,所有的能量的电流沿著电线,但它来自non-conducting周围介质的电线,只要它进入它开始被转化为热能,电线穿过连续的层次下降到时间的中心,那里没有磁力,因此没有能量的传球,这一切都被转化成热能。一个传导电流就可以说是由内在的能量流及其附磁场和电动力量,和转化成热能的能量内导体。” 谢谢搂主分享,收藏了. 感应电机中的非局部行为(作用)
that is it 理论好难懂,工作中还没遇到过这类理论