哈哈哈去 发表于 2024-12-2 16:43


Warning 10907 - A complete convergence within the maximum number of iterations allowed of <40> could not be achieved for all time steps. Convergence failed on conserved terminal <net_66>.Node: net_66<%>>> Calculate at t=2.1e-05 s(4:27:16 下午12月 02, 2024)
    Error - FEA1: failed to find Norton equivalent (check for voltage sources directly connected to windings)>> Calculate at t=5.4e-05 s(4:28:22 下午12月 02, 2024)
    Error 11557 - Error encountered in the Simulate function of user model.Model: FEA1.MAXWELL<FEA_LINK>>> Calculate at t=5.4e-05 s(4:28:22 下午12月 02, 2024)
    Error 13431 - Fatal error encountered while updating models.Model: FEA1.MAXWELL<FEA_LINK>>> Calculate at t=5.4e-05 s(4:28:22 下午12月 02, 2024)
    Error - Error while updating model values and states.>> Calculate at t=5.4e-05 s(4:28:22 下午12月 02, 2024)
    Error 10564 - Simulation aborted.>> Calculate at t=5.4e-05 s(4:28:22 下午12月 02, 2024)
    Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (4:30:13 下午12月 02, 2024)

哈哈哈去 发表于 2024-12-2 16:47

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