flux_softwave 进来下
Flux都更新到10.2了,为什么文档还是9.3的?更新速度太慢了吧 本帖最后由 lijo 于 2009-5-31 15:12 编辑Flux carried changing from the version 7.60 with windows MSDOS to version 9 and 10 with windows based on Java. In fact I do not work the simulation OF MAGNETOTHERMAL COUPLING STAEDY STATE AC MAGNETIC WITH TRANSIENT THERMAL IN A INDUCTION MOTOR (THE TEMPERATURE RISE TO INFINITE) in V10 and I have to use MODPRO (modify) that is usedfor compatibility with older versions V7 V8 WHERE THE MAGNETOTHERMAL COUPLING RUN OK for rotating electrical machines.
Cedrat this a bit confusing with this change, the documentation is almost the same as the version 7 and Flux have some bugs in this GUI transformation.
回答楼上的,Flux的所有有关新功能的帮助文档都是根据10.2做的, 一些比较经典的模型总部不可能每更新一个版本就重新做一套完整的全新的帮助文档,像BPM这样的做一套出来需要花不少时间的,所以建议您下载最新的Flux_example_10.2来看就好了。 呵呵,也有些这样的困惑,看了楼上的就明白些了 {:1_432:} {:1_432:} {:1_432:}