三亿少女的梦 发表于 2021-5-29 11:35

盘式电机如何设置Rotation Periodic Mesh

各位,之前盘式电机网格都是用“Generate Mesh at Each Step”,但是我听说盘式电机也可以手动设置Rotation Periodic Mesh,这样在conditions里面也可以产生“slide”。但是我不管怎么设置总是出现以下报错,有人知道原因吗?
另外,“Generate Mesh at Each Step”算的应该没有设置Rotation Periodic Mesh算的准确吧?我在径向电机里面试过,前者算的不准


This study does not have mesh

This study does not have the results

This study has 3 messages

The mover or stator could not be recognized.
The slide mesh failed to generate.

1. Slide mesh is not applicable for models where the gap cannot be seen. Use a function to generate mesh at each step.
1-1. For a cylindrical slide mesh, the model should be a radial type.
1-2. For a translational slide mesh, confirm the gap direction settings.

2. Check motion condition settings.
2-1. Confirm that the settings for the rotation axis or moving direction are correct.
2-2. Confirm that all moving parts are set without excess or deficiency.

3. For each section partitioned by slide faces, one section must include only one mover or one stator.
4. Confirm that each mover partitioned by slide faces is set with a motion condition.
ex. In structures where two movers sandwich a stator, set different motion conditions to each mover.

Code 220011

Circumferential divisions are automatically set.
Number of circumferential divisions is set to 16.
Code 220162

The point on the axis inside the gap that is specified for the rotation periodic mesh (detailed) settings does not match the point on the axis that is specified for the periodic boundary condition.
The point on the axis inside the gap that is specified for the rotation periodic mesh (detailed) settings does not match the point on the axis that is specified for the periodic boundary condition.
Code 1132

1169804363 发表于 2021-5-29 14:40


三亿少女的梦 发表于 2021-5-29 15:51

1169804363 发表于 2021-5-29 14:40

Did not create the Rotation periodic mesh.
Axial gap motor is not available for Rotation Periodic Mesh(automatic).

Please specify in Rotation Periodic Mesh(Detailed).

1169804363 发表于 2021-6-4 20:32

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