Error in calculating the conduction paths.
在进行电感仿真的时候遇到了这个问题,不知道如何解决,请各位大佬赐教。{:1_542:}Error in calculating the conduction paths. The most likely reason is that the mesh of the source conductor is wrong. 是网格的问题,已解决 求问是怎么解决的呀,我用静磁场仿真也遇到了这个问题 求问解决方法,线圈仿真出现同样的报错提示 您好,我也是对于自己绘制的线圈将激励什么都设置好了后,mesh设置surfapprox,对其进行仿真出现了Error in calculating the conduction paths. The most likely reason is that the mesh of the source conductor is wrong.与Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. 两个报错。请问您是如何解决的,谢谢。 电磁基 发表于 2023-8-25 22:00
您好,我也是对于自己绘制的线圈将激励什么都设置好了后,mesh设置surfapprox,对其进行仿真出现了Error in calculating the conduction paths. The most likely reason is that the mesh of the source conductor is wrong.与Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. 两个报错。请问您是如何解决的,谢谢。