psyduck3 发表于 2020-4-5 21:05

Ansoft Maxwell 里关于优化optimization,怎么设置非线性约束条件?


All optimizers also allow you to enter a coefficient in the Add Constraints window to define the linear relationship between the selected variables and the entered constraint value. For the SNLP and NMINLP optimizers, the relationship can be linear or nonlinear. For the Quasi Newton and Pattern Search optimizers, the relationship must be linear.

所以我的理解是,对于SNLP 和 NMINLP优化,约束条件可以是线性或者非线性的,对于类牛顿法和Pattern Search, 约束只能是线性的,但是我在optimization那个模块里的SNLP优化算法下面只找到 linear constraints 线性约束,请教各位大神这里能添加非线性约束吗,比如平方或者开根号这种?

或者可以用python文件编写非线性约束吗? 但是我记录了一下代码发现也只有线性约束,希望大神能帮忙回答一下,谢谢!
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