仿真结束后出现的错误,有大神知道这是为什么吗 楼主,把出错信息翻译一下就行了。 小小鸟儿 发表于 2019-12-5 10:00楼主,把出错信息翻译一下就行了。
我知道什么意思,就是不知道是什么导致这个的,怎么修改 运动设置问题:The MC must be in contact with the stationary part through a non-zero area of the sliding interface at all time instants. Indeed, error 145012 or 156013 will result when the MC is in the perfectly unaligned position, i.e. when the MC is in contact with the stationary parts only through one or more component edges. 那上面写的挺清楚……线圈不允许动啊