大家好,我的笔记本是4核心8线程的intel处理器,应该设置cores和tasks与都为3,还是设置成3cores和7tasks?求赐教!谢谢 对了,软件版本是19.2 本帖最后由 chiyanhu 于 2019-9-4 13:35 编辑下面是官网帮助文档中的相关描述,里面提到core数要不少于task数,按这个说法我的笔记本电脑(4核心8线程当作8核心处理器对待?)是不是最多应该可以设置成8tasks和8cores?
Numbers of Tasks and Cores
If automatic settings are either not used or not available, note that each machine has an associated number of tasks and number of cores. The number of tasks specifies the total number of compute jobs that will be run on that machine simultaneously. Each separate solver, or distribution is one task. The total cores specifies the total number of cores that will be used on the given machine. This is how you specify multiprocessing. For example, if you want to run two threads for each task, you specify Total Cores = 2 x Number of Tasks. The number of cores must always be greater than or equal to the number of tasks. If the number of cores is not an exact multiple of the number of tasks, some tasks will use more cores than others. For example, if Number of Tasks is 4 and Total Cores is 10, 2 tasks will use 3 cores, and 2 tasks will use 2 cores. 主要看task的数量 应该设置为3核3线数,核数大于等于线数,最大核数是3,任务只能是3 咩咩 发表于 2019-9-12 21:51