天线包包 发表于 2019-8-25 21:29


154007:Simmetrix mesher failed.
在help里面查过了 什么都查不到 有没有懂的大神帮忙指点一二 万分感谢!

yuya 发表于 2019-9-12 23:12

3D Solid Modeler failures are often reported with error codes such as 154007 and 145012. The Mesh Log file often provides messages allowing one to locate the cause(s) of the error. Another way to locate problems consists of disabling components or a group of components in turn until errors are no longer reported, thereby allowing one to identify the offending component(s). If the mesh is successfully generated only when some of the components are disabled, the interactions between these components should be carefully examined and any misalignment or gap should be corrected before any suitable mesh refinement is specified.
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