我按照书上案例操作的,总是报这个错误信息,有没有前辈指点下MaxwellProject (D:/pm motor/prius_files/dpall/global/Ansoft/)
Maxwell2DDesign2 (Transient, XY)
Eddy effect settings may need revisiting due to the recent changes in the design.The default value will be used for the object if the value is not specified.(4:18:23 下午4月 25, 2019)
Failed to recover outlines. (4:18:23 下午4月 25, 2019)
Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (4:18:23 下午4月 25, 2019)
解决办法是:结构树中点击MESH operation 右键单击然后点击initial mesh settings 将mesh method改为classic。 我已经解决了
翻到了之前的帖子,把网格剖分从Tau改为classic就行了 棒!我也是同样的问题,解决了。
Depending upon the model, sometimes Classic converges with fewer resources whereas Tau may converge faster. Whatever mesh is selected, the converged results are accurate. We recommend you use Auto since HFSS automati-cally determines the correct choice of the mesher for a given geometry.
Note: For HFSS 3D Layout, Phi mesher is an advanced layout-based meshing technology that can produce meshes rapidly and generate fast and accurate results.